Test kłopotów językowych (język angielski cz. 2)

Test składa się z 45 pytań, gdzie poprawna będzie tylko jedna odpowiedź z podanych pod zadaniem. Autorem testu jest Radosław Więckowski, autor 20 wyjątkowych pozycji wydawniczych. Jako jedyna osoba w Polsce uczy języka angielskiego z własnych książek metodą transferencji (poniższy test pochodzi z jednej z jego książek). Profil autora w serwisie e-korepetycje.net: https://e-korepetycje.net/difjuz/jezyk-angielski

  1. 1. This pair of shoes _______ on sale.

  2. 2. The pair _______ working together.

  3. 3. She bought six _______ of stockings.

  4. 4. The couple _______ married last week.

  5. 5. Only one couple _______ chosen by the jury.

  6. 6. Vivaldi's Four Seasons _______ a great achievement.

  7. 7. Research and development _______ of great importance in business.

  8. 8. Smoking, drinking and eating _______ not allowed. (three separate activities, none of which are allowed)

  9. 9. Smoking, drinking and eating _______ not allowed. (three activities which are not allowed at the same time)

  10. 10. The library and lecture room _______ crowded. (a single room)

  11. 11. The library and the lecture room _______ crowded. (two different rooms)

  12. 12. The conductor, with the soloists, _______ pleased with the concert.

  13. 13. The soloists, with the conductor, _______ pleased with the concert.

  14. 14. Ten people in our team are English and the rest/the remainder _______ Polish.

  15. 15. Only half of the family _______ turned up. What about the other?

  16. 16. Only half of the family _______ turned up. What about the others?

  17. 17. She is one of those people who _______ the most.

  18. 18. She is the only one of those people who _______ the most.

  19. 19. She is one of those people who _______ herself.

  20. 20. She is one of those people who _______ themselves.

  21. 21. One tenth of the students _______ able to do that.

  22. 22. One in ten students _______ able to do that.

  23. 23. Many of these data _______ correct.

  24. 24. Much of this data _______ correct.

  25. 25. Two thirds of the city _______ in ruin.

  26. 26. A bunch of my friends _______ surprised.

  27. 27. A bunch of grapes _______ all I ate that day.

  28. 28. The council _______ united in this issue.

  29. 29. The council _______ divided in this issue.

  30. 30. A lot of this book _______ unreadable.

  31. 31. A lot of these books _______ unreadable.

  32. 32. 50% of paper and board _______ used for packaging.

  33. 33. 50% of our bananas _______ exported to other countries.

  34. 34. Most of your friends _______ coming.

  35. 35. Most of your problems _______ gone.

  36. 36. There _______ an apple and an orange available.

  37. 37. An apple and an orange _______ available.

  38. 38. There _______ an apple and two oranges available.

  39. 39. There _______ two apples and an orange available.

  40. 40. The number two _______ greater than the number one.

  41. 41. I just read a series of three books, and I find that the first two _______ better than the third.

  42. 42. My favourite fruit _______ grapes.

  43. 43. A total of number of 3500 students _______ at the seminar.

  44. 44. The total number of students in attendance _______ unbelievably large.

  45. 45. A total of 10 payments _______ made.

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