Test kłopotów językowych (język angielski cz. 1)

Test składa się z 45 pytań, gdzie poprawna będzie tylko jedna odpowiedź z podanych pod zadaniem. Autorem testu jest Radosław Więckowski, autor 20 wyjątkowych pozycji wydawniczych. Jako jedyna osoba w Polsce uczy języka angielskiego z własnych książek metodą transferencji (poniższy test pochodzi z jednej z jego książek). Profil autora w serwisie e-korepetycje.net: https://e-korepetycje.net/difjuz/jezyk-angielski

  1. 1. What I want _______ five cars.

  2. 2. What I say and what I think _______ my own affair.

  3. 3. What I say and do _______ my own affair.

  4. 4. Jogging and swimming _______ fun.

  5. 5. The only solution _______ more frequent meetings.

  6. 6. More frequent meetings _______ the only solution.

  7. 7. The only traffic _______ carts and bikes.

  8. 8. Carts and bikes _______ the only traffic.

  9. 9. A cart and a horse _______ seen in the distance. (W dali widać było wóz z koniem)

  10. 10. A cart and a horse _______ seen in the distance. (W dali widać było wóz (bez konia) i konia (idącego luzem)

  11. 11. A sandwich or other snack _______ included in the price.

  12. 12. A sandwich and a cup of tea _______ included in the price.

  13. 13. Bacon and eggs _______ my favourite breakfast.

  14. 14. Bacon and eggs _______ both a lot more expensive than they were many years ago.

  15. 15. Fish and chips _______ a take-away food.

  16. 16. Bread and butter _______ my favourite food.

  17. 17. What I need _______ names and addresses.

  18. 18. What we need to know _______ how much time is left.

  19. 19. What we need to know _______ how many hours are left.

  20. 20. Adult decisions _______ not really fun.

  21. 21. Making adult decisions _______ not really fun.

  22. 22. A large number of stamps _______ been sold.

  23. 23. Large numbers of stamps _______ been sold.

  24. 24. The number of skilled workers _______ small.

  25. 25. A number of the workers _______ unskilled.

  26. 26. The majority _______ the candidate.

  27. 27. The majority of the voters _______ in the city.

  28. 28. The percentage of skilled workers _______ small.

  29. 29. A small percentage of the workers _______ unskilled.

  30. 30. A large percentage of the crop _______ spoilt.

  31. 31. 80% of the staff _______ happy.

  32. 32. 80% of children _______ happy.

  33. 33. 80% of the forest _______ under control.

  34. 34. Four times six _______ twenty four.

  35. 35. One and one _______ two.

  36. 36. Twenty guests _______ too many.

  37. 37. ”Pupils” _______ to people who are learning.

  38. 38. “War and Peace” _______ on the reading list.

  39. 39. There _______ more than one knife in the kitchen.

  40. 40. There _______ more than six knives in the kitchen.

  41. 41. Forty percent of the students _______ satisfied.

  42. 42. Forty percent of the student body _______ satisfied.

  43. 43. 25 bottles of wine _______ drunk at the party.

  44. 44. 25 pounds _______ too much to pay.

  45. 45. What percentage of the population _______ overweight?

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