Zohrab Yoncali

Ostatnia aktywność:
10 dni temu
Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia online

O mnie

Consultant | Writer | Visual Artist | Coach | Sales & Marketing Professional

I offer broad industry knowledge with extended experience in Sales, Marketing and Consultancy, including 6 years as a global head-hunter in advanced technologies, 15 years experience in Copywriting in the (SaaS) Software-as-a-Service industry, and a further 20 years in Sales Management and Team Leadership in the Fashion Retail industry. Additionally, with a background in the visual arts (Painting, Film and Photography), I teach English language to both Business professionals as well as to students of the Arts.

Udzielam korepetycji

Napisz do użytkownika

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Kursy i szkolenia
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01.1983 - aktualnie
As a visual artist, I have been engaging variously in the mediums of painting, printmaking, photography and film. Over the years, I have been involved in multiple creative projects across those disciplines.
05.1983 - 02.1987
Chelsea Leather
Overseeing and managing a Kings Road boutique with responsibility for a Sales team of 5-6 people.
03.1987 - 12.1987
Overseeing and managing a busy Oxford Street leather fashion store, covering 2 floors and responsibility for a Sales team of 14 people.
01.1988 - 12.1997
Chelsea Leather
Overseeing and managing an exclusive Kings Road boutique with responsibility for a Sales team of 6-7 people.
01.1998 - 12.1998
Hamiltons Photographers
Overseeing the day-to-day operations of a professional photographer’s studio.
01.1999 - 06.2003
Vitellix Ltd /Chelsea Leather
Overseeing and managing an exclusive Kings Road boutique with responsibility for a Sales team of 7 people.
07.2003 - 02.2018
Self-employed Photographer and Sales & Marketing consultant promoting SaaS (Software as a Service) to professional photographers and supporting their online sales and marketing.
03.2018 - 08.2023
Insight Technology Search
Headhunting in mid to C-level management positions in all areas of advanced electronics including semiconductors. Working searches for technology leaders across the world, ranging from start-ups to global blue-chip organisations.
01.2024 - aktualnie
- Teaching English, contextualised within the visual arts and business - Consultancy and writing marketing copy

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