Patrick Bryson

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Hi Everyone!
My name is Patrick, and I am a professional English language trainer. There are a lot of English teachers using this site to find new clients and I want to recruit you to join me. I am here to introduce myself to you and to explain how I teach and what I teach but it is up to you to decide if I am the right teacher for you.
First things first, I am very dedicated to my students, and I absolutely love teaching. I have been teaching English since 2004; first in Bielsko-Biala for 5 years and then in Krakow Poland since 2013. My lessons are productive, efficient, and fun. Here is how it works.

These days it seems that most people understand a lot of vocabulary, you have a good understanding of basic grammar and I know that you have written test after test and done exercise after exercise but if you are here now it’s because you are not as good as you want to be. You are here because you need to SPEAK better. And that is what we do. We become better speakers by speaking. So, if you decide to have lessons with me be prepared to put your skills to the test and be prepared to speak – a lot!

My goal is to help you reach an intuitive speaking level, making English a real second language. All lessons are tailored to your needs and customized to support you in improving specific skills. I put a LARGE emphasis on speaking practice. Thanks to that, my students become better, more comfortable, and more confident English speakers at lightning-fast speed.

I’m going to help you right now. The first thing you need to do is to get out of your head. Don’t think about what to say, don’t think about how to say it. The most important part of becoming a better speaker is to start speaking and to stop worrying. Your mistakes can be corrected later. Do not think about your mistakes while speaking. This will come later. That’s rule number 1.

Rule 2; learn to pay attention to words. Learn to listen carefully and you will constantly improve your vocabulary. Sure, you could sit down and try to learn list after list of unfamiliar words. But if you’re just learning words and not actually using them, you are doing it wrong. So learn to listen carefully and be curious about the language. Add this to rule number 1 and watch what happens. Do it this way and learning will be easier, more fun and more practical. That is rule number 2.

As a language trainer, I focus on improving speaking fluency and consistently adding new expressions and vocabulary to your mental arsenal. This helps my students present themselves and their ideas using much more personal, professional, and effective language .

I will support and motivate you but I can’t do all the work. I can take you to the court but I can’t make you play. I can put you in the seat but I can’t make you drive. But I will try ;)


  • a trial lesson to assess your needs and goals
  • a personalized learning path with a customized course plan
  • individual lessons online
  • educational materials based on current topics that improve all areas of using the language: speaking, reading, listening and writing
  • additional exercises and assessments to do in your free time if you want to improve faster
  • regular evaluation of your improvements based on intro/outro audio interviews
  • me, myself and my 18 years of experience in teaching and developing my own learning techniques that already helped thousands of students
  • flexibility – you can reschedule lessons free of charge if you make them all up by the end date of the course
  • laid-back, relaxing atmosphere – you want to study with your cat on your lap? No problem!


  • I teach online but if you or your employer have an office you want to invite me in, I can arrange lessons at your place. Unfortunately, we had to close our office during the pandemic.
  • I conduct individual lessons firmly believing it provides the best conditions for learning. But if you’re interested in studying with a partner/s let me know.
  • If you’re looking for corporate lessons for you team, contact me. In my career I have provided lessons for many business clients, including companies such as: u2i, EDISONDA, Architech, My Network, HCM Deck and others.
  • I conduct lessons as a part of my own small boutique school that is called Uncle Sam’s American English School. I can issue invoices.
  • If reading peers’ recommendations is you thing, visit my LinkedIn profile and school’s profile on Google.

I wrote a poem about a tortilla. Actually, it’s more of a wrap. :)
Get it? a wrap; RAP. Poems, raps… we use tortillas to make wraps. Ok, cheesy joke. BUT if we are in a meeting and we say “OK everyone, that’s a wrap.” That means that the meeting is finished. Usually used for something official, like a meeting. Originally, it was and is used when film crews are done filming for the day.

My bakery burned down last night. Now my business is toast :)
Get it? Burnt bread = toast. Yea yea yea. BUT did you know that if we say something is toast it means it is finished, done, donzo Washington. i.e. I thought I could fix my broken lamp but it’s toast. It is unrepairable. Throw it away, toss it out, get rid of it. It cannot be fixed.

That brings me to rule number 3. Smile. Learning does not need to be painful . If we are enjoying ourselves we can actually learn a lot more. In my lessons I don’t actually tell a lot of jokes, but we do have fun. Fun and learning go hand in hand like Krakow and Obwarzanek.


PoniedziałekDo uzgodnienia
WtorekDo uzgodnienia
ŚrodaDo uzgodnienia
CzwartekDo uzgodnienia
PiątekDo uzgodnienia

Zakres lekcji

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Miejsce lekcji

U ucznia

Adres zajęć

Patrick Bryson
ul. Borkowska 7/59
30-438 Kraków
NIP: 6793111713

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Ostatnie opinie

wystawiono opinii: 1
16 września 2015

Z Patrickiem miałam do czynienia jeszcze w poprzedniej szkole, w której pracował. Był tam najlepszym nauczycielem, z prawdziwą przyjemnością przychodziłam na jego lekcje. Jest stworzony do pracy z dorosłymi, traktuje ich z jednej strony jak partnerów do rozmowy, a z drugiej strony potrafi być wymagający i niemiłosierny w poprawianiu błędów. Podczas lekcji z nim mam wrażenie, że nie tylko rozmawiam sobie po prostu z kolegą po angielsku (to samo mogłabym przecież robić w barze), ale że faktycznie za każdym razem wynoszę z lekcji coś wartościowego, co sprawia, że mój poziom języka angielskiego stale się poprawia.

Po dodaniu opinii nie będzie możliwa jej edycja, dlatego upewnij się, że wypełniłeś/aś prawidłowo wszystkie pola.

Wystawiając opinię oświadczasz, że działasz zgodnie z regulaminem, treść opinii jest zgodna z prawdą, a Ty ponosisz za nią pełną odpowiedzialność. Więcej informacji na ten temat znajdziesz w Polityce Prywatności.

Wystawiając opinię oświadczasz, że jej treść jest zgodna z prawdą, a Ty ponosisz za nią pełną odpowiedzialność. W bazie serwisu będą przechowywane dane takie jak adres e-mail oraz adres IP, z którego wypełniono formularz opinii. Dane te umożliwiają identyfikację autora opinii i mogą zostać udostępnione na wniosek podmiotów uprawnionych do tego, w przypadku zgłoszenia przez użytkownika działań niezgodnych z polskim prawem, w szczególności dotyczących czynów nieuczciwej konkurencji.