Sylwia Różak

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Sylwia Różak

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wystawiono opinii: 3
9 września 2019

Sylwia is one of the best Polish teacher I have ever met. Not only is she very helpful and patient, but also extremely professional. She always prepared adequate and carefully selected material for our lessons, where we practiced speaking, reading, writing...wirhout wasting any time. Strongly recommended!

11 lutego 2015

Hi, I’m Tetsuya, 32 years old. I start learn Polish 4 month ago with Sylwia. At the beginning, I cannot understand and speak Polish completely. However, nowadays, I can self-introduction and be ordered at restaurant in Polish. This is big grows for me. We have lesson 1 day / week and it is 90 min. That time is fantastic time for me. Because every lesson, she give me new notice. Anyway, I mistake same thing and forgot same word in lesson. Because I’m not good at remember. But, every time, she devise that how to teach is best for me. To be frank, if you are looking for Polish teacher, I would like to say that you are lucky. You already find best teacher.

9 stycznia 2015

Hello my name is Wulkan, I am 35 years old I was beginner level at Polish before having lessons with Sylwia. She has been teaching me Polish about 5 months,If you are looking for a Polish teacher I would say that you have found a good one.It was so difficult speaking Polish with people before our lessons, i was making mistakes and i couldn't understand what people say or they couldn't understand me. After our lessons everthing has started to change...We are having two lessons a week and lessons are 60 minutes i can say that i speak polish at least 40-45 minutes during the lessons and she is teaching and observing me if i make a mistake she helps me and explains what was the problem.Our lessons are so fun and helpful,she is so patient and learing Polish is not boring now :))My friends and my family noticed that my Polish is really more better,it was nice to hear it from them. I highly recommend Sylwia.
Dziękuję bardzo:)

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