Aryan Janardhan

Ostatnia aktywność:
13 dni temu
Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia online
Język hindi50 - 80 / 60 min

Aryan Janardhan

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Opis ogłoszenia

Namaste! Friends :) I’m a native Hindi speaker , and I’m excited to welcome you to my Hindi Language course . Together, we’ll join on a transformative journey to enhance your Hindi language skills.

What you will learn:

Level 1: Beginner

  • Introduction to Hindi Language: Familiarization with basic Hindi sounds, script (Devanagari), and greetings.
  • Understanding Vowels (Swar) and Consonants (Vyanjan): Learning the fundamental building blocks of Hindi pronunciation.
  • Pronunciation and Basic Greetings: Interactive exercises for accurate pronunciation and practical usage of common greetings.
  • Vocabulary Building: Introduction to essential vocabulary for everyday communication.
  • Simple Sentence Construction: Practice forming basic sentences using learned vocabulary and grammar.

Level 2: Elementary

  • Expanded Vocabulary and Grammar: Building upon basic vocabulary with more words and understanding foundational grammar rules.
  • Verb Conjugation: Comprehensive coverage of present, past, and future verb conjugation with interactive exercises.
  • Time expressions and numbers
  • Common Sentence Patterns: Practicing common sentence structures for everyday conversations.

Level 3: Intermediate

  • Learning Idiomatic Expressions and Colloquialisms: Exploring idiomatic expressions to sound more natural in conversation.
  • Deeper Understanding of Hindi Grammar: Exploring cases, tenses, and more advanced grammar concepts.
  • Enhanced Conversational Skills: Discussing personal interests, hobbies, and future plans.
  • Cultural Immersion: Engaging with Hindi literature, films, music, and traditions to deepen cultural understanding.

Level 4: Advanced

  • Mastery of Complex Sentence Structures: Proficiency in constructing compound sentences, understanding subjunctive mood, etc.
  • Verb Moods and Aspects: Understanding the nuances in verb usage and mastering various aspects of verbs.
  • Cultural Understanding: Delving deeper into cultural nuances and societal issues in Hindi-speaking communities.
  • Familiarity with Idiomatic Expressions: Grasping a wide range of idiomatic expressions to enhance fluency and comprehension.

Why Enroll:

Best Guidance : As a  experienced instructor i  bring a wealth of knowledge and passion for teaching Hindi .

Comprehensive Curriculum: Covering both theoretical and practical aspects of Hindi language.

Interactive Learning: Engage in interactive sessions , discussions , and activities to reinforce your learning.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn Hindi or an elementry seeking to enhance your Hindi language skills,  this course is tailored to meet your needs. Enroll now and let’s begin this enriching journey of Hindi language together!


Poniedziałek10:00 - 18:00
Wtorek10:00 - 18:00
Środa10:00 - 18:00
Czwartek10:00 - 18:00
Piątek10:00 - 18:00
Sobota12:00 - 18:00
Niedziela12:00 - 18:00

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Ostatnie opinie

wystawiono opinii: 2
19 grudnia 2023

Bardzo profesjonalne i uczciwe podejście do tematu. Bardzo dziękuję i polecam.

Aryan Janardhan

thanks a lot Lena :)

19 grudnia 2023

Thank you very much. Rupesh is the best instructor who goes above and beyond to ensure that I learned and grasped the material, and his commitment to excellence is truly amazing.

Aryan Janardhan

Thanks Martin :)

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