Opis ogłoszenia
Język angielski - z native speaker’em z U.S.A. Przygotowanie m in. do egzaminów ESOL, gimnazjalnych, maturalnych. Nauka od poziomu podstawowego do zaawansowanego, we wszystkich przedziałach wiekowych. Język specjalistyczny dla informatyków, księgowych, prawników, lekarzy,angielski w biznesie etc.sprawdzanie i korygowanie pism, tłumaczenia. Zajęcia online -platforma e -learningowa!!! Zapraszamy do współpracy!!!
My name is Rick, an American native speaker and proprietor of Language Courses company. I am Celta (administered by Cambridge University) and TKT certified and have experience with teaching all levels and age groups.I believe your students will benefit immensely from the communicative approach that I learnt while working to obtain my Celta certificate. What is the communicative approach? It can best be described as 25% grammar at the beginning of the class, with the remaining 75% of the class actually using the target language; meaning your students get to practice the language in a real-time scenario. The effect? Your students effectively learn English in a fun, relaxed, environment, with a teacher who is approachable and patient. Lastly, I believe you will find my rates for teaching very competitive. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
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