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Poznań (jeżyce)

Rama Hwajeh

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Dla użytkownika Rama Hwajeh

O mnie

Hello! If you are looking to improve your skills in English both in grammars and conversations, I am here to help you! I am a native English speaker, and I have an experience with teaching English before! Learning English can be fun and beneficial for you or your kids! Along with English lessons, I am highly skilled in mathematic! If you are facing a problem with understanding, I am here to solve your problems!

What I offer:

• Teaching students how to speak English fluently and improve their conversational skills.

• Helping you with understanding the grammars used in English and simplifying the information based on the student’s level.

• For mathematics, helping with understanding the problems and solving them.

• understanding the mathematical terms in a simple way.

• Helping students to build confidence in public speaking.

• Developing students’ speaking and grammar skills.

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10.2021 - aktualnie
Poznań University of Economics and Business
Business Administration
Kursy i szkolenia
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Ostatnie opinie

wystawiono opinii: 1
3 marca 2023

First of all, she has an impressive depth of knowledge when it comes to mathematics. This means that no matter what topic you are struggling with, she is able to explain it clearly and concisely.

Secondly, she is an excellent communicator. She has a talent for breaking down complex mathematical concepts into simpler, more manageable pieces. She is patient and always willing to explain things multiple times until you fully understand the material, be it ten times. She is also very approachable and easy to talk to, making it comfortable for you to ask questions and seek clarification whenever necessary - very friendly and kind :D

Additionally, she is very organized and efficient in her teaching methods. She makes sure that every minute of your tutoring session is well-spent to make the learning experience more engaging and interactive. She knows how to keep your attention and make sure that you are fully engaged in the learning process.

Lastly, she is very invested in your success as a student. She is passionate about teaching and genuinely cares about your progress and understanding of the material. She goes above and beyond to make sure that you are fully prepared for your exams and that you have all the tools and resources you need to succeed. She also provides constructive feedback and encouragement to help you grow and improve as a student.

If you are struggling with math like I was, and need a tutor, I highly recommend her! <3

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