Opis ogłoszenia
Angielski z Native Speakerem posiadającym kwalifikacje nauki języka angielskiego (CELTA) i wieloletnim doswiadczeniem -
Moje usługi są następujące:
Lekcje języka angielskiego dla studentow, osób pracujących oraz seniorów.
poziomy od początkującego do zaawansowanego: Angielski w szczególnych przypadkach; angielski biznesowy, Angielskie dla Informatyków, angielski dla księgowych, angielskie dla inżynierów budowlanych, angielski ogólny.
Przygotowanie uczniów do rozmów, prezentacji, spotkań, konferencji i wystąpień publicznych w razie potrzeby.
Jest mozliwość dojechania do ucznia na terenie krakowa
Wystawiam faktury w razie potrzeby
Cena dla jednej osoby; 60zł za 60 minuty, 70zł za 90 minuty
Cena dla dwóch osób; 80zł za 60 minuty, 100zł za 90 minuty
cena dla grupy: za każda dodatkowa osoba +20zł za 60minuty, +30zł za 90minuty
I’m a native speaker with an English teaching qualification (CELTA) and long term teaching experience -
My services are as follows:
English lessons for students, employees and adults learners.
From lower level to advanced level: English for specific use; Business English, English for Information Technology, English for accountants, English for civil engineers, General English.
Prepare learners for exams, interviews, presentation, meetings, conference and public speech if needed.
Lessons can be held at student’s place, within Krakow.
I’ll invoice you if needed.
price per person; 60zł for 60 minutes, 70zł for 90 minutes
price for 2 persons; 80zł for 60 minutes, 100zł for 90 minutes
Price for a group: for each additional person +20 zł for 60 minutes, + 30 PLN for 90minutes
Miejsce lekcji
Napisz do użytkownika
Ostatnie opinie
wystawiono opinii: 8
Nie polecam. Zajęcia nudne, rozwiązywanie ćwiczeń w książce i marnowanie czasu na wielokrotnym powtarzaniu tego samego, pomimo zrozumienia przeze mnie materiału. Odnosi się wrażenie, że panu nie bardzo chce się tłumaczyć i chce jak najszybciej "odsiedzieć" to 60min.
Polecam serdecznie!
I have had English lessons with Ralph since autumn. My English was very bad but I improved it well during this half a year. It is quite short time but I manage overcome my speaking fear. We practised grammar and after one part of it we were speaking and did speaking excercises connected with tenses which we have already done. Lessons are well prepared and not stresfull. During discussion he corrects you if the mistake is blatant or pronunciation is not enought good and writes it on paper. In the end of lesson he repeates all mistakes with you. Sheets of paper is yours so you can refresh it after. Ralph is easy going and time flexible but it does not mean that he do not take you seriously. He helped me so much when I lead conference in english. He knew it is something important for me and he took it seriously too. Thanks for him conference was big success. I can strongly reccomend this teacher. Thanks to him I enjoy English language and now it is pleasure to acquire further levels. I will come back for sure after holiday because I would like to pass proffesional exam. :)
I would like to recommend Ralph as an English teacher.
I have learned English with Ralph for almost one year and I fully recommend him to every person who wants to improve speaking and grammar. I decided to ‘work’ with Ralph because I heard many positive opinions about him and I wanted to check if it’s true and I can say it is.
I focused especially on speaking to break the barrier of communication in foreign language. He was always well prepared and knew what I should improve.
In the past I had to think twice before I said something in English but now I do not have to worry because I feel more comfortable and self-confident.
I was really surprised about his strong motivation to work. He is very helpful. He showed me how to use English and many useful expressions in proper way.
I am fully convinced that you will make a right choice to learn English with Ralph.
This letter is my personal recommendation for Ralph Okehie.
I have been learning English since I was a kid but during the English class with Ralph I first time realized how to use the language in proper way. We had been reviewing not only grammar or vocabulary parts but he showed me real value of language.
I got to know Ralph as a highly professional self-driven teacher, who challenges the status quo with his students. He can easily notice the issues that particular student has and adjust his method to improve missing parts of language.
Besides being a joy to work with, Ralph has an extensive knowledge of business, finance and engendering as he graduated one of the best university in Poland. He understands the set of priorities for individual students and hi is able to present creative ideas and communicate the benefits. I really appreciated classes with Ralph and his comprehensive knowledge about language.
What really surprise me was that he speak Polish language very well. It shows that he is high motivated and learn new skills very quick, what is really valuable it current world.
I highly recommend Ralph as a teacher or employee. He would make a great asset to any organization.
Best regards,
Robert Golnik
Polecam, korepetytor pomógł mi w przygotowaniach do ustnego egzaminu z LCCI for Business level 3, egzamin zdałam z wynikiem zadowalającym.
Gorąco polecam !
Korepetytor pomaga mi przede wszystkim w poprawie umiejętności konwersacyjnych. Na bieżąco koryguje błędy językowe. Zajęcia są interesujące, a tematyka zróżnicowana. Oferuje także kompleksową pomoc w przygotowaniach do certyfikowanych egzaminów językowych. Uczęszczam na zajęcia od 1,5 roku i jestem bardzo zadowolony z efektów !
Korepetytor pomógł mi przygotować się do egzaminu TOEFL. Dzięki pracy z nim, napisałem egzamin na poziomie B2. Oprócz tego lekcje są bardzo interesujące. Nauczyciel zwraca uwagę, na błędy gramatyczne podczas mówienia i odpowiednią wymowe słów. Pomógł mi również poprawić moje umiejętności pisania esejów i wypracowań.
Polecam każdemu!
I would recommend!
Tutor helped me prepare for the TOEFL exam. Thanks to the work with him, I wrote the exam at B2 level. In addition, the lessons are very interesting. Teacher emphasize on proper pronunciation and use of grammar during speaking lessons . He also helped me improve my writing skills essays.
I would recommend to anyone!