Polly Gronczewska

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Chemia150 / 60 min

Polly Gronczewska

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Opis ogłoszenia

You can find out more through the website: pollytutorsib

I have graduated with a Masters of Pharmacy at University College London, and will be doing Graduate Medicine at the University of Cambridge.

I’ve tutored 70+ IB Biology and Chemistry students online up to date, and hundreds of students face-to-face. They have all achieved top grades (levels 6 and 7 only), and many of my tutees have gone on to study Medicine, Dentistry and Natural Sciences at top universities in the UK (University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, UCL, Imperial College, King’s College…).

For every exam period, I take up approximately 10 students. Every student that I tutored from last year’s batch (May 2019 exam) received 7s (from Bio and Chem when I tutored them the subject). I teach students in groups of 2 or 3s at my house in London (I have a teaching class) at 35/hr each, or alternatively 1:1 online at 50/hr each.

If you’re interested in normal tutoring lessons, I will help you understand any IB Chemistry or Biology concepts in an easy manner. I have taught the International Baccalaureate Chemistry and Biology programmes for 6 years, and am aware of the ins and outs of the curriculum.If you’re interested in assistance and support in writing Internal Assessments or Extended Essay for Chemistry and/or Biology, I can help you achieve top marks - all the students I helped received 7s.

With the vast amount of resources, past papers and experience that I have accumulated, I’m looking forward to helping you achieve the best grades possible! Anyone can do it with the right guidance!

Batches of students and where they are now:
Batch to graduate in 2020 first choices/ offers: 
Medicine, University of Oxford
Medicine, University of Cambridge
Medicine, University of Cambridge
Medicine, University of Kent
Dentistry, Kings College London
Neuroscience, University College London 
Medicine, University College London

Batch graduated in 2019: 
Medicine, University of St. Andrews
Medicine, University of Cambridge
Medicine, University College London
Biological Sciences, University of Exeter
Medicine, Kings College London 
Neuroscience, University College London 
Pharmacy, University College London
Medicine, Warszawski Universytet Medyczny​

Batch graduated in 2018: 
Medicine, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Medicine, University of Liverpool
Pharmacy, Univerisity of Nottingham
Medicine, University College London
Medicine, Warszawski Universytet Medyczny


Poniedziałek19:00 - 22:00
Środa19:00 - 22:00
Piątek19:00 - 22:00

Miejsce lekcji


Napisz do użytkownika

05.2015 - 09.2019
University College London
Kursy i szkolenia
09.2019 - aktualnie
Udzielam korepetycji

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