Pavlos Chalaris

Ostatnia aktywność:
ponad 3 miesiące temu
Kraków (Centrum)

Opis ogłoszenia

ENG below

I offer guitar lessons.I am an experienced musician, a member of the Registry of Guitar Tutors and have completed my second degree music studies. I am adapted to learning from both beginners and experienced students.I speak mainly English and Greek, but the language of music is universal and I think that the language barrier in the Polish edition will not be difficult The prices are very occasional: PLN 45/60 min. For those interested in something more than just practice, I offer the theory and composition of musical harmony.I offer lessons both at home and with the possibility of traveling to the student.I still have a few free dates for lessons - everything to be agreed The opinions of my students confirm that everything can be learned from scratch in a great atmosphere ! If you have any questions, please contact: 798 758 818.


I offer guitar lessons.I am an experienced musician, a member of the Registry of Guitar Tutors and have completed my second degree music studies.I am capable of teaching both beginners and experienced students.I speak mainly English and Greek, but the language of music is universal and I think that the language barrier wont be a problem The prices are very occasional PLN 45/60 min. For those interested in something more than just practice, the lessons emphasize also into theory, harmony and musical composition. Lessons could be held on my premises or could be at the student’s. I still have a few free dates for lessons - everything to be agreed. Reviews of my students show that you can learn everything starting from zero, in a great atmosphere! If you have any questions , don’t hesitate to contact me: 798 758 818.


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Zakres lekcji

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Miejsce lekcji

U nauczyciela
U ucznia

Napisz do użytkownika

11.2010 - 07.2016
University of West London
Music Performance
Kursy i szkolenia
Nie dodano
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