Ostatnia aktywność:
ponad 3 miesiące temu

Opis ogłoszenia

My teaching method involves the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of a student and building personalized worksheets based on those assessments. After an initial assessment of the student, the lessons are divided into two;

  • Active lesson - The main part of each session. Involves introduction to one or more concepts (grammar rules, paragraph structures), new words or phrases, and active discussion of their implementation in text/speech using preassigned reading material
  • Guided exercises personal work - The crucial part of developing language learning skills. The aforementioned worksheets will be used here to implement the new concept introduced in the main lesson. By learning how to read and analyze texts in English the student will develop skills required in mastering proficiency in all languages they may choose to learn next. The second part, or the remaining part not finished in the guided exercise time, will be assigned as homework.

After enough lessons, the student will be able to do most of the passive learning exercises (reading and listening) unguided and active learning(writing, speaking, completing quizzes, etc’) guided as little as the student can do. As is it this tutor philosophy is that the majority of studying occurs when a student is fully engaged in a text at their own pace and environment.
Purpose: The purpose of this teaching method is to help students acquire a strong foundation in English and, more importantly, develop the self-learning skills necessary for mastering any language. This approach tailors instruction to a student’s individual strengths and weaknesses.


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Zakres lekcji

Szkoła podstawowa
Szkoła średnia

Miejsce lekcji

U nauczyciela
U ucznia

Napisz do użytkownika

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Kursy i szkolenia
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