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Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia online
Język angielski100 / 60 min


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Hi! My name is Elena. I come from a Dutch island in the Carribean and am a native English speaker. Having been awarded a scholarship to attend the United World College of Maastricht at the age of sixteen, I moved to the Netherlands to finish the Diploma Program in a multicultural and diverse setting. During those two years, I participated in various writing workshops and soon found myself working in the English writing support team at the university’s office, helping over fifty students with their personal statements per year. The people I helped managed to secure their place in the world’s top universities such as: LSE, UCL, Imperial College London, Princeton University etc. I was also a dedicated and fanatic writer for the local newspaper, requiring me to attend weekly meetings with other (student) writers and monthly workshops given by professional writers and journalists. Knowing that, it will not come as a surprise to you that I took English A Literature HL in DP – for which I attained a final seven. Now that I have graduated from the IB and am facing a trip around the world on a cruise boat in January (I was awarded a second scholarship for the Semester at Sea program), I have spare time to help out students with writing and correcting their personal statements. To ensure ultimate quality, I only take a maximum of fifteen students per coming university deadline; meaning that I will only be taking fifteen up till January 15th, 2020. Must you have any questions, feel free to get into contact and send me a message! I look forward to working with you and making sure your personal statement not only gets you into your dream university, but also astonishes and impresses the admission team of your future university. Cheers, Elena


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