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If you would like to learn English language effectively and according to your own needs, I invite you to a lesson with me.

I teach people of all ages and have got passion for sharing knowledge with others.

-> Students looking for some help with English grammar who need to expand vocabulary or practice communication skills (written or oral)

-> Applying for a job or need help with your English - I can help and support you in your career development.

> Parents looking for someone who likes children and has experience in teaching foreign languages to children ​​ feel welcomed!

-> Struggling with your speech and can’t express yourself orally as you wish in English - I can help you overcome your language barriers and make you open to free communication on any topic.

Feel free to contact me if you want to progress and learn English today!

-> Private tutor with 5 years of teaching experience to people of all ages.

-> BA Hons Graduate in English Language and Culture, University of Greenwich in London, UK

->I lived in London for 14 years, where I studied and worked.

Since the beginning of my studies I’ve had passion for teaching and loved working with people.

As an English teacher, I share my knowledge of the language and its culture with others, and I encourage all my students to think for themselves by implementing various methods.

I use various materials tailored to the needs of each student.

I focus mainly on speech, grammar, writing and understanding the language in everyday situations.

You can expect a positive atmosphere, understanding of personal needs and expectations, professionalism and reliability.

I love what I do and that’s why I care about all my students, giving them all my attention and the necessary support in their learning.

I also use different materials in my lessons, including stories, listening exercises, tests, videos, grammar tables and examples, websites as well as books written in English language.

During each meeting, I write down all the notes for the students and make sure they understand the topic well by asking questions and checking their knowledge.

All materials are sent before the lesson to make sure that everyone has what they need and is ready for an adventure with the English language.

Should you have any questions , please leave your message - I’ll reply to you as soon as I can.

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Napisz do użytkownika

10.2004 - 06.2007
Akademia Pedagogiczna im. KEN w Krakowie
Filologia germańska z językiem angielskim
10.2008 - 10.2009
University of Greenwich, London, UK
English Language and Culture with New Media Environment
Kursy i szkolenia
Equality and Diversity
10.2012 - aktualnie
Private English Teacher/ Tutor/ Translator
Teaching students of all ages Preparing course materials Preparing students for exams/ test/ job interviews/ foreign language communication at work Texts translation Practising oral and written English communication for working students
10.2014 - 09.2020
Planet Organic
Healthy life style promotion Diet advice Dealing with customers Placing orders Training new team members Stock take Dealing with orders and deliveries Cash handling

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Wystawiając opinię oświadczasz, że jej treść jest zgodna z prawdą, a Ty ponosisz za nią pełną odpowiedzialność. W bazie serwisu e-korepetycje.net będą przechowywane dane takie jak adres e-mail oraz adres IP, z którego wypełniono formularz opinii. Dane te umożliwiają identyfikację autora opinii i mogą zostać udostępnione na wniosek podmiotów uprawnionych do tego, w przypadku zgłoszenia przez użytkownika działań niezgodnych z polskim prawem, w szczególności dotyczących czynów nieuczciwej konkurencji.