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Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia online
Język angielski100 / 60 min


Opis ogłoszenia

Hi, I’m Melba. If you’re hoping to enhance your English language skills and be more confident in speaking, listening and communicating in English, I’ll definitely be able to help you with that. I offer a variety of online English lessons including: beginner and class support lessons for children in later years of primary school and high school levels; general or conversation English for adults who wish to practice their spoken English; as well as business English lessons for professionals who would like to improve their corporate-related communication skills.

Born and raised bilingually in the Philippines, I was educated exclusively in English from primary to graduate schools. I have travelled extensively to various countries for studies and work. I finished an advanced degree in Food Science and have worked as a researcher in the academic field for a number of years.

For a number of years, I taught conversation and business English part-time but recently I have also started teaching English as a second language to children (10-12 yo) and teenagers. The lessons I provide for primary school children focus on teaching basic English grammar to support their learning of English as a foreign language in school. To make our lessons fun and interesting, my lesson plans usually include letting them listen to and watch short and age- and English level-appropriate audio and video clips. I also help the kids improve their English reading, listening and reading comprehension, as well as their conversation skills. For teenagers, we focus on English grammar to a certain extent, but my lessons are mainly designed to improve the children’s conversational skills.

I make sure that the teaching materials I use in my lessons are not only educational, but it is equally important that the contents/topics are relevant to the interests of the individual student. As for my adult clients, most of them have signed-up for English lessons to practice and improve their English conversation skills. I do also teach business English to clients who not only want to improve their conversation skills, but also want to develop their English language and communication skills that are useful in the office or business environments. The lessons I provide aim to help my clients increase their professional business vocabulary. We tackle a wide variety of business topics and issues during our lessons. To make my lessons interesting, timely and relevant, I use a variety of learningresources which include videos, podcasts/audio recordings and business articles.


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