Eleanor James

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Yes, English can be weird. It can be understood through tough, thorough thought, though!Don’t panic! :)If you struggled to read, understand and pronounce that sentence then send me a message and we’ll go through this and many more weird and wonderful things together.*A testimonial/review from my student Natalia!*Eleanor jest nie tylko świetnym źródłem wiedzy w zakresie angielskiego, ale także potrafi bardzo jasno i obrazowo wytłumaczyć zawiłości tego języka. Bardzo cenię w naszej współpracy to, że Eleanor pomaga wypracować umiejętność „poczucia” angielskiego. W efekcie, staje się on „drugą naturą”. Serdecznie polecam!I have 3 years of experience in connecting with students of all ages and helping them work through English in a way that gave them better understanding, visible improvement and a bigger sense of confidence. Many of my students have gone on to better jobs, relocated to England, furthered their education and even turned off the subtitles when watching Netflix! :)The key is to feel relaxed, not bored, excited to learn something new and curious about the unknown; I’m essentially a guide. The meetings will be structured around you, your pace, your interests. I can be strict and set homework, or we can just talk about the weather. We can have intense grammar sessions or ponder the wonders of the universe. It’s all up to you. You can bring your own materials or dig into the endless articles, books and topics that I have on offer - with the amount of experience I have, we’ll never run out of things to say!I’ll correct you, but not always; if I’m constantly interrupting you, you’ll never gain confidence. Instead, I’ll take notes while we talk (I’m a master multitasker!) and give you feedback on areas that you need to improve upon. We learn from mistakes but I need to let you make them in order to correct you.Let’s work on:*Phrasal verbs *Tenses (all 12 of them) *Conditionals *Articles/prepositions *Slang/contemporary vocabulary *General vocabulary expansion *Exam preparation (FCE, CAE, IELTS etc) *CV writing/improvement *Accent/pronunciation (Keep in mind that if you want a clear ‘native’ sounding accent, you’d have to move to a native English speaking country to achieve this. I can help you get as close as possible while living here in Warsaw.)The list goes on and we can cover it all!Here’s an idea of what I’ve done so far: - Angloville and Tandem Project in Poland. This involved over over 170 hours of English in a two-week period. - Voiceover work for international publishers such as Macmillan and Pearson, commercials for Mohito and smaller broadcasts. - Private teacher to many eager students.Guide to starting rates for classesAt my flat (central Warsaw) and Skype sessions: - 1 hour at non-peak times (09:00 -18:00) – 80pln - 90 minutes - 120plnAt home or in-company lessons or peak time (before 09:00) and weekends: - 1 hour – 100pln - 90 minutes – 150plnProofreading guideline prices:20-50 PLN per page. (depending on time frame and structure) Websites and large texts quote will be based on inspection of documents.These rates can be flexible and may be discussed before our lessons.If you book in advance and pay for a block, please read: DISCOUNTS/REFUNDS - If you wish to book and pay in advance, a 20% discount will be applied to the 5th lesson. In the case of a cancellation by me, I will always honour the cancelled lesson. If a lesson is cancelled by the student with less than 24 hours notice, the lesson will be forfeit. Resignation by a student from our lessons before the end of a booked period will result in a maximum of half of the amount outstanding refunded. It is the student’s choice to end cooperation before we have completed a paid block. Refunds will not be issued in their entirety and only at my discretion. In the event that a refund is given please allow a 14 day period from our last lesson to be refunded. If you do not finish your lessons within a six-month period unless agreed, your remaining lessons will become void.


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