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Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia online
Język hiszpański120 / 60 min


Opis ogłoszenia

Feel great in your body and learn Spanish.

Do you wanna learn Spanish? Do you feel that your body could work better? You want to learn Spanish in a way that will also benefit your physical health? Don’t worry, my classes can help you to learn a new language and improve the quality of your life.  If you decide to sign up for my classes, I will be your body’s best friend and you will learn a new language in an unusual way. We will work together on it  so you can feel amazing. I am passionate about education and how the human body works and how to improve it. I can guarantee you that after my clases you will be able to say “Wow, I feel my body works better” in Spanish.

My StretchingSpanish Class

My stretching-Spanish class, which I adopt to your personal needs, contains exercises taken from what’s best in Yoga, contemporary and classical dance technique. All body movement will be complemented in a didactic way with the Spanish language giving you all the tools to speak a new language and at the same time you will find physical and mental unity. We will use natural body weight and slight movements  according to your possibilities.  

Benefits of my StretchingSpanish class

  • You will learn a new language.
  • You will speak the second most spoken language in the world.
  • You will be able to communicate with 7.6% of the world population.
  • You can learn the culture of the Hispanic countries through their language.
  • It will improve the flexibility of your muscles
  • It will improve your stamina
  • It will help to develop your muscles 
  • It will improve your blood circulation
  • It will help relieve your muscle and joint pain
  • It will improve your postureIt will improve your body awareness
  • It will help you to prevent injuries
  • It will improve your physical and mental balance
  • It will help to fight stress
  • It will improve your quality of life by making you feel better

About the teacher

My background comes from my love to dance. I am a native Spanish speaker, my specialty in teaching allows me to combine these two learning alternatives to create a new way of learning this beautiful language.For all my professional dance years I studied and learned how I should treat my body so it could serve me the best without any injuries. I’m a specialist in Dance Education and I finished National Institute of Fine Arts. I have a Degree of Classical and Contemporary Dance, I’m a researcher of body movement techniques. I have 18 years of experience in the dance field. In the last few years I’ve focused on anatomy studies applied to dance. I helped many people around the world to achieve much better results with their language and body, including the USA, China and Brazil.


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