Lester Hernández Madero

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O mnie

Meet Lester, a passionate and experienced teacher living in the vibrant heart of Cuba. With a warm smile and an unwavering dedication to his students, Lester is a true polyglot wizard, fluent in both Spanish and French. His unique skill set and rich cultural background make him a standout instructor in both languages.

Lester’s teaching journey has been nothing short of remarkable. For years, he’s shared his knowledge with eager minds, specializing in teaching English to medical students and many others. His knack for simplifying complex concepts and his endless patience have helped countless students grasp the intricacies of the English language.

But that’s not all! Lester’s linguistic talents extend beyond the classroom. He’s a skilled translator, especially in French, bridging language gaps and facilitating communication between cultures. His ability to capture the essence of words and ideas in another language is truly commendable.

Outside the realm of academia, Lester is a dedicated family man. He shares his life with a loving wife and his son. Together, they create a warm and welcoming home in the heart of Cuba.

In sum, Lester is not just a teacher but a true language enthusiast, bringing the beauty of Spanish, French, and English to his students while embracing the rich tapestry of life in Cuba. His commitment to education, translation skills, and devotion to his family make him an inspiring figure in both the professional and personal aspects of his life.

Udzielam korepetycji

Napisz do użytkownika

10.2023 - 10.2023
Martínez Villena” University of Pedagogical Sciences, Alquízar
Nauczyciel dyplomowany
Kursy i szkolenia
Nie dodano
10.1998 - 10.2006
Cuban Education Ministry
10.2007 - 10.2015
Cuban Health Portal (www.infomed.sld.cu)
10.2011 - 10.2023
Mayabeque Faculty of Medical Sciences, Güines, Mayabeque Province, CUBA

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