Opis ogłoszenia
Nauka gry na pianinie / fortepianie
- nauka dzieci od 6 roku życia
- lekcje w domu u ucznia
- indywidualny program nauczania dostosowany do potrzeb ucznia
- zapewniam niezbędne materiały do nauki
- jestem absolwentem Uniwersytetu Muzycznego F. Chopina w Warszawie
Proszę o kontakt telefoniczny - 535 60 60 70
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Piano classes with an experienced teacher at your place. Warsaw.
I am willing to have lessons at my house or at your house for no extra cost.
I guarantee professional advice, guidance and relaxing atmosphere. Many years of teaching experience- workshops, music schools. I offer lessons from Monday to Saturday.
Master degree in music education, chamber music and piano performance at F. Chopin University of Music in Warsaw.
Please contact me for further details on (+48) 535 60 60 70
Best wishes
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