Kazimierz Potapczyk

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Curriculum vitae

Personal details

Surname Potapczyk

First name Kazimierz

Date of birth 1st June 1964

Languages English, German, Russian, Polish

Address 19-300 Ełk, Targowa 18/20, Poland

Telephone +48 603526079

Sex Male

Marital status Married with 3 children


2007- 2009 University in Białystok, Department of Neophilology, Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

2004-2006 Masurian University in Olecko, Department of German and English Philology, completed with a degree Bachelor of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

1983-1988 Warsaw University, Polish Language Department Białystok, completed with a degree - Master of Polish philology.

1978-1982 High School in Ełk, Piłsudskiego St.; A Levels :written: Polish - B, Mathematics - B, oral: Polish - B, German - B.

Further Education

Postgraduate course in teaching English as a Foreign Language, University in Białystok – qualified English teacher

1998 Certificate in Advanced English, UCLES Cambridge University, passed with B

1991 Qualifying examination in English and German organized by the Regional Educational Authority – Kuratorium, qualified English and German teacher

1991,1992 British Council Summer Course for Teachers of English, Gdańsk University.

1987 Qualifying Course for Tour Guides organized by Almatur Student Travel Agency - qualified guide in German, English, Russian.

Work experience

2016-2020 Head at Straduny Primary School

1996- Head and teacher at Potapczyk Language School in Ełk

EAP tutor at University of Olsztyn, branch in Ełk

1991-2008 2nd High School in Ełk, English and Polish teacher.

1988-1991 Primary School in Straduny, Polish teacher.

1985-1989 Interpreter in Germany for Polish students working groups, interpreter and a tourist guide for both German and Polish tourist groups with Almatur Student Travel Agency in Białystok.

1982-1983 Primary School No.2 in Ełk - librarian.

Other achievements

1996 - Successfully prepared over 100 candidates for First Certificate Examination and Certificate in Advanced English, as well as Matura

2006 June Organised a homestay trip for students of English to Parklands School in Chorley, Lancs. UK

1993 –1998 Organised 4 homestay trips for students of English to Shrewsbury in England

1996 June Work Shadowing Experience in Wrekin Council, Midlands

Interests Computing - Multimedia and internet exploring, Choir singing, Cycling, Sailing, Guitar playing.

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