Ostatnia aktywność:
ponad 3 miesiące temu
Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia online
Język angielskicena do ustalenia

Kay Myeza

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Opis ogłoszenia

effective tutoring in english with 3 years experience  I am a native english speaker from South Africa I have been teaching english for +3 years online and on-site.

I teach english via skype and zoom I offer conversational lessons which helps improve your speaking skills, language, vocabulary and grammarI also do reading and grammar exercisesI teach students of all levels starting from beginner a0 and I teach students of all ages starting from 6 years I also help students understand their school work- school topics by using their school materials and my teaching materials

[*I help break the barrier in speaking English, help prepare for exams and speaking English fluently. *] We will learn grammar step by step by focusing on every topic and doing activitiesI use a variety of teaching materials like interesting articles from the internet.

Please book a trial lesson with me so I will show you how I conduct my lessons. In that trial lesson we will also discuss your english goals.

*kids- 30-40 minutes PLN 15

beginner adults  30-40 minutes pln 20
intermediate: 1 hour pln 25
advanced: 1 hour pln 30


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Napisz do użytkownika

01.2023 - aktualnie
Edutel College
Distance learning
Kursy i szkolenia
Nie dodano
01.2021 - 09.2023
I was teaching at the Preply platform for over 2 years. I taught adults and children.
12.2021 - 05.2022
Botha's Pass Combined School
I use to teach at Bothas Pass where I taught children from ages 10 - 16. I also use to assist them with tutoring.
09.2023 - aktualnie
I have started my own teaching platform, I teach students of all ages. I teach with my materials and the student's material. I cover everything covered in school. I teach grammar rules starting from the basics.

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