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Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia online
Język angielski70 - 100 / 60 min

Jordan Wolfe

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Opis ogłoszenia

 If you’ve had lesson materials that seemed too easy, or if there is a level you can’t reach no matter how much time you spend, you’re in the right place.

If you’re dealing with an interview, or meetings, or presentations in English, you’re in the right place! In order to take the next step in your career (and your life), you need to improve your English.

Whatever your dream is, whether it’s a promotion, travel, or just feeling better in your work life, English is what’s holding you back.And there comes a time when simply watching movies or having the same conversations you’ve always had had cut it anymore:

You’re here because you know you need something more.

And you know it can’t just be the same endless grammar exercises. You need something that’s going to bring you to the next level.If you have an interview coming up, we’ll do mock-interviews.If you give presentations, you ‘ll give presentations to me.

We’ll talk about the things that hold you back (often it’s not even English-related) so that you can break through the barriers that are keeping you stuck.

Ultimately, I’m not an English teacher as much as I am a communication consultant.We’ll discuss the situations where language is holding you back, and then we’ll re-create those situations together so that you have a safe place to practice your skills.

Once you schedule a trial lesson, I’ll send you a comprehensive placement test which will show me exactly where your English is weak, and where it’s strong.During the trial lesson, we’ll discuss the aspects of English that you struggle with, and we’ll develop a plan for how you’ll improve.That way, even if you never have another lesson with me, you’ll have a good idea for what you’ll need to do to get better.

I’m Jordan, currently a resident of Warsaw (centre), originally from London and in other countries. I have a standard common English accent. I have over 5 years’ experience in teaching adults and develop our English speaking skills.

Working within the common European framework, we can improve your language, vocabulary and fluency together.

Basic Speaker
A1 Breakthrough or beginner
A2 Waystage or elementary

Independent Speaker
B1 Threshold or intermediate
B2 Vantage or upper

Intermediate Proficient Speaker
C1 Effective Operational Proficiency or advanced
C2 Mastery or proficiency

You can choose from a variety of materials to aid your learning experience; I have an extensive collection, however, if you have to focus on it, you’re welcome to bring your own!

During our first lesson, I will make an assessment of your level and tailor an appropriate individual program, just for you.

I am a professionally trained actor, using these skills.

My work has included:
Angloville and Tandem project.In Poland and other parts of the world.
Teaching over 170 hours of English in a two-week period.

Standard English - Grammar, Conversation, Writing, Vocabulary, Learning pronunciation and accents, (Levels: Intermediate / Advanced).
Business English - English Professional (Focus on business vocabulary, business correspondence and vocabulary).

Guide to starting rates for classes in my apartment 
1 hour at non-peak times (9 am-8: 00) - 80pln
90 minutes - 120pln
Home or in-company lessons or Peak time (before 9 am) and weekends:
1 hour - 100pln
90 minutes - 150 PLN

Proofreading guideline prices:

20-50 PLN Per page. (On time frame and structure)
Web sites and large texts.inspection of documents.

DISCOUNTS / REFUNDS - If you wish to book in advance, a 20% discount will be applied to the 5th lesson. In the case of a cancellation by me, I will always honour the cancelled lesson. If the lesson is cancelled by the student with less than 24 hours notice, the lesson will be forfeit. Resignation by a student from our school before the end of a large amount of refund amount outstanding refunded.

Education, Qualifications, Experience:
(BA) The Arts University Bournemouth.
English literature and the English language.Level 3 national diploma in Performing Arts.Proof-reading experience.Voice over work.CGILive animation.Presenting and using Auto-cue.Interests, Hobbies, & Other Info: English language.

CELTA Certification.
Advanced 120 hours Business TEFL.
5 years of teaching experience across Europe.

One of my biggest hobbies is to play and watch Football I am a big Tottenham Hotspur fan.I like to go to the cinema and enjoy going to the theater.Cooking at home and eating out is also a big passion.I love Animals and I have a small dog called Bueno.hotspur fan.I like to go to the Cinema and enjoy going to the theater given the chance.Cooking at home and eating out is also a big passion. I love Animals and my two small dogs called Bueno and Bozcek


Poniedziałek07:00 - 19:00
Wtorek07:00 - 19:00
Środa07:00 - 19:00
Czwartek07:00 - 19:00
Piątek07:00 - 19:00

Zakres lekcji

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Miejsce lekcji


Napisz do użytkownika

09.2010 - 11.2013
University Bournemouth
Nauczyciel dyplomowany
English language studies
Kursy i szkolenia
01.2015 - 01.2018
Helping foreign language learners with English.

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