Ostatnia aktywność:
ponad 3 miesiące temu
Warszawa (Centrum)

O mnie


"Zajęcia w miłej atmosferze, możliwość rozmowy na każdy temat. Duży plus za uważne słuchanie i wyłapywanie błędów. Akcent i wymowę także można podszkolić. Polecam"

Iga Trzeciakowska

January 27, 2020

"Fajnie zajęcia, ciekawe tematy, dużo informacji o współczesnej kulturze brytyjskiej, swobodna i miła atmosfera."

Kacper Zalewski

January 24, 2020

· Do you want to feel more comfortable with speaking and understanding


· Are English accents difficult for you to understand?

· I can help you improve in a calm and relaxed environment.

· Discounted rates for lessons paid for in advance may be discussed.

· I offer voice and accent training.


I’m Jordan, currently a resident of Warszawa (centrum), originally from London and lived in Devon in the South West of England for many years, so my accent is clear, with a slight variation on the common RP (received pronunciation/common English accent). I have over 5 years’ experience in teaching adults and children and my focus is to work on my students’ confidence and help develop their English speaking skills.

Working within the common European framework, we can improve your language, vocabulary, and fluency together.

Basic Speaker

A1 Breakthrough or beginner

A2 Waystage or elementary

Independent Speaker

B1 Threshold or intermediate

B2 Vantage or upper Intermediate Proficient Speaker

C1 Effective Operational Proficiency or advanced

C2 Mastery or proficiency

You can choose from a variety of materials to aid your learning experience; I have an extensive collection, however, if you have anything you’d specifically like to focus on, you’re welcome to bring your own!

During our first lesson, I’ll make an assessment of your level and tailor an appropriate individual programme, just for you.

I am a professionally trained actor, so using these skills I can work with you on character building in English accents and dialects.

My work has included:

Angloville and Tandem Project In Poland and other parts of the world.

Teaching over 170 hours of English in a two-week period.

Samsung, PNG, El Passion and Citi Bank.

Standard English – Gramatyka, Konwersacje, Pisanie, Słownictwo, Nauka wymowy oraz akcentowania, (Poziomy: Średniozaawansowany / Zaawansowany).

Business English - Angielski Profesjonalny (Nacisk na słownictwo biznesowe, korespondencję biznesową oraz słownictwo).

Guide to starting rates for classes in my apartment (centrum) and Skype sessions:

1 hour at non-peak times (9am -18:00) – 80pln

90 minutes - 120pln

Home or in-company lessons or Peak time (before 9 am) and weekends:

1 hour – 100pln

90 minutes – 150pln

TERMS AND CONDITIONS, Please, read carefully, once you accept to work with me you have accepted these conditions.

These rates can be flexible and may be discussed before our lessons if you book in advance please understand DISCOUNTS/REFUNDS - If you wish to book and pay in advance, a 20% discount will be applied to the 5th lesson. In the case of a cancellation by me,honourll acancellednour the cancelled lessoncancelledesson is cancelled by the student with less than 24 hours notice, the lesson will be forfeit. Resignation by a student from our lessons before the end of a booked period will result in forfeit of outstanding fee. It is the student’s choice to end cooperation before we have completed a paid block. Refunds will not be issued in their entirety and only at my discretion. In the event that a refund is given please allow a 30 day period from our last lesson to be refunded.

Edit: 30/06/2018 I am now adding a condition regarding payments of blocks of lessons. If you do not finish your lessons within a month period unless agreed, your lesson will become void.

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Udzielam korepetycji

Napisz do użytkownika

09.2010 - 11.2013
University Bournemouth
Nauczyciel dyplomowany
English language studies
Kursy i szkolenia
01.2015 - 01.2018
Helping foreign language learners with English.

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