Opis ogłoszenia
- I offer interesting English classes, focusing on conversations and real contact with the language. I am a person whose goal is to teach the language that is used every day, without boring grammar exercises, focusing on breaking down barriers in speaking and correct pronunciation. English is my second language, which I learned myself and then achieved a level close to native during my 5-year stay in Ireland. For this reason, I know what barriers English language students may experience and I know how to break them down. I am a person who easily establishes contacts, both with children and adults. I conduct my classes in a way that is adapted to the preferences and abilities of the student, offering interactive games and exercises. I do not know Polish, but I know from experience that this is an advantage, because it motivates the student to talk in English.
- I offer interesting English classes, focusing on conversations and real contact with the language. I am a person whose goal is to teach a language that is used every day, without boring grammar exercises, focusing on overcoming barriers in speaking and correct pronunciation. English is my second language, which I learned myself and then reached a level close to native during my 5-year stay in Ireland. For this reason, I know what barriers English language students may experience and I know how to overcome them. I am a person who easily establishes contacts, both with children and adults. I conduct my classes in a way tailored to the student's preferences and abilities, offering interactive games and exercises.My Polish knowledge is basic, but I know from experience that this is an advantage because it motivates the student to talk in English.
Only online classes for now with possibility to have in-person classes in Warsaw.
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wystawiono opinii: 3

Nauka z Joaquinem to czysta przyjemność, fajne podejście do ucznia i dzieci. Stosuje różne materiały na lekcji języka angielskiego. Polecam!

Nauka hiszpańskiego z Joaquinem to czysta przyjemność. Atmosfera jest super luźna i sprzyja nauce, dzięki czemu zrobiłem naprawdę duże postępy. Fajnie, że Joaquin szczególną uwagę przykłada do poprawnej wymowy i praktycznych zwrotów, które można od razu wykorzystać w codziennych sytuacjach. Bardzo polecam!

Jestem bardzo zadowolona z zajęć z Joaquinem. Zajęcia prowadzone są w tempie dostosowanym do umiejętności ucznia, na spokojnie i bezstresowo. Kontakt z nauczycielem też jest bez zarzutu, bez problemu można dopasować dni i godziny zajęć do własnych preferencji. Dodatkowo Joaquin ma fajne poczucie humoru które potrafi rozluźnić atmosferę na zajęciach :)
serdecznie polecam!!