Irene Bancroft

Ostatnia aktywność:
4 dni temu

O mnie

Hello, I’m Irene. I’m a certified ESL teacher with over 22 years of international teaching experience.

I lives in Korea for 22 years, now I live in Sunny South Africa.

I teach young children and adults to learn English speaking, listening, reading and writing in a fun and supportive environment.

I have a bachelor’s degree in Marketing, a PGCE teaching certificate, and Master’s degrees in Reading and literacy & teaching English learners (ESL).

I believe that everyone can learn English, and I’m here to help you reach your goals and build your confidence at your own pace.

In my classes, I focus on creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere where students feel comfortable participating and learning new things. I use a variety of teaching methods and activities to engage students and keep them motivated. I also believe that it’s important to make learning fun, so I incorporate games and other activities into my lessons.

Outside of the classroom, I enjoy gardening, spending time at the beach, and cuddling with my two cats. I’m excited to get to know you and help you on your journey to learning English!

Contact me today to learn more about how I can help you achieve your English learning goals.

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