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Opis ogłoszenia
A professional musician, music producer and sound engineer born in Brazil, with extensive experience in the rock / metal scene, offers lessons at SKYPE.
Detailed studies on music intervals and their scales - dissonance is an art!
The development of creativity and techink: tapping, sweep picking, two-tone, natural and artificial flutes, arpeggio, legato, speed picking (+ 280bpm), hammer-on, pull-off tailored to individual needs.
Complex rhythmic divisions, triplets, quintoles, septols …
Ways to improve the sound of your instrument: sound effects and processors, microphones, amplifiers …
Basics of soldering (guitar construction and tuning).
Levels - ALL
Age - EVERYONE! Music has no age limit.
Personalized learning methods tailored to your expectations and skills!
Classes offered only in English, Spanish or Portuguese.
Phone: 515 461 395
Ricardo Falcon is sponsored by:
Schecter Guitars
EMG Pickups
Arobas Music (Guitar Pro)
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Ostatnie opinie
wystawiono opinii: 8
Świetny nauczyciel !
Wyrównał w bardzo krótkim czasie moje braki w technice i teorii i cał mnóstwo ważnych wskazówek dotyczących kariery jako profesjonalny muzyk. Wszystko odbywa się profesjonalnie. Zawsze udzieli porady. Również nauczył mnie jak odpowiednio ustawiać instrument i dbać o niego.
Serdecznie polecam !
Super nauczyciel!
Od pierwszego momentu Ricardo uczył mnie wszystkiego o gitarze, teorię, technikę, dawał mi wskazówki jak lepiej grać, jak wymieniać struny i dbać o gitarę. Też poprawiał moje błędy. Po roku gram o wiele lepiej. Mimo że nie gram heavy metalu nie miałem wątpliwości że Ricardo będzie świetnym nauczycielem wszystkich styli muzycznych.
Serdecznie polecam Ricardo!
Totally recommended, I’ve started with the classes a year ago and now I’m able to play things that I've never imagined.
If you are starting to play guitar or bass, or if you already have some experience, Ricardo will help you to improve not only your technic, posture, speed but also your knowledge of your instrument, how to get the best results, plus how to record and produce your own music.
Doesn’t matter the kind of style in which you might be interested, of course if it’s related to metal you will get a first-hand experience for someone who can play all those styles, and specially who knows the road (many good advises, especially if you are thinking to start a band)
I’m pretty sure that you will not find a better alternative in Wroclaw and closer areas.
Lepszego nauczyciela nie znajdziesz!
Od 5 miesięcy Ricardo daje mi lekcje gry na basie. Nie wyobrażam sobie żeby zajęcia poświęcone nauce gry na tym instrumencie mógłby być lepsze, a wziąć pod uwagę należy fakt, iż to gitara jest głównym instrumentem Ricardo.
Do głównych zalet zajęć należy:
- dbałość o szczegóły (nieustanne choć subtelne przypominanie o prawidłowej postawie, pozycji dłoni itd.)
- całkowite skupienie na uczniu
- dostosowanie tempa oraz tematyki zajęć do zainteresowań, zdolności i postępów ucznia
- profesjonalne sugestie dotyczące sprzętu muzycznego
- Ricardo zna kilka języków – nauka gry na instrumencie jest jednocześnie kursem językowym!
- cierpliwość w stosunku do ucznia, jego zdolności i osobowości
- luźna atmosfera
- przystępne tłumaczenie teorii
Serdecznie polecam!
Ricardo is a very nice person and a great guitarist. His knowledge, experience and approach to the student, makes him a great, recommendable teacher.
Polecam serdecznie lekcje u Ricardo lekcje są prowadzone na wysokim poziomie,sumiennie i starannie w oparciu o każdy szczegół,lekcje są prowadzone w bardzo miłej atmosferze.
Wychodząc z pierwszej lekcji odrazu ma się ochotę iść na następną,lekcje są warte swojej ceny,to szybki krok w stronę drzwi do grania jak zawodowcy,a nawet droga do zostania zawodowem ;)
Best teacher you can imagine
Ricardo has been teaching me for almost a year now and I am very satisified. He is very attentive to details and adapts the tempo of teaching to my abilities/needs.
He has the theoretical knowledge you need to understand not only how to play but also why.
Being able to play the guitar and bass makes him a very universal tutor. He also has a luthier course and helped me to setup my guitar and replace a pickup with a better one.
Ricardo also has vast knowledge about studio equipment and music production and could recommend devices to record guitar at home that would satisfy my needs now and in the future.
He can also teach via skype which saves a lot of time that you would otherwise waste in traffic jams.
In general a very nice guy as well despite being a metal guitarist :)
I defenitely recommend Ricardo as a teacher!
I've been working with Ricardo for the past 6 months and the progress I made is really impressive.
The lessons are in a fully equipped studio. Ricardo follows his plan of teaching with occasional question and answer sessions and adapts to whatever I as a student would like to learn.
My technique improved, improvisation got a new life with his concepts of adding chromatisms, mixing scales, in general thinking musically not just following worn out patterns.
I had my doubt will learning from a teacher who is heavily influenced by metal will be a good idea and to my positive surprise the techniques used in metal guitar playing are extremely useful in other styles. Even more, technical playing is actually the goal so this works perfect.
In addition to guitar we work on music production both theoretically and practically. He has great knowledge of equipment and helped me expand my rig with amazing products and their best prices.
An added bonus is that Ricardo has a mini luthier set which means he can help with guitar setup, renovation etc.