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Rafał Dutka

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Dla użytkownika Rafał Dutka

O mnie

English is my ultimate passion.

Udzielam korepetycji

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Ostatnie opinie

wystawiono opinii: 4
5 października 2016

Szeroka wiedza i pełen profesjonalizm ze strony prowadzącego. Wiedza przekazywana w ciekawy sposób a co najważniejsze tempo zajeć dostosowane indywidualnie do każdego ucznia. Każdy ma możliwość wyboru drogi ksztalcenia oraz doskonalenia aspektów językowych wedlug wlasnych potrzeb. Pan Rafał jest otwarty na propozycje, zawsze stara się spełnić oczekiwania swoich klientów. I nie ukrywam, że wychodzi mu to doskonale. Efekty nauki widoczne są w niewiarygodnie szybkim tempie. Zawsze można liczyć na jego fachową pomoc. Informacje i wiedzą przyswajane są w bardzo szybki sposób dzięki innowacyjnym rozwiązania jakie Pan Rafał stosuje: prezentacje,aplikacje, masa pomocnych stron internetowych, interaktywne gry i zabawy, gotowe zestawy slownictwa i wiele innych. Co mogę więcej powiedzieć: szczerze polecam tego korepetytora, na prawdę warto! Spróbuj, sprawdź i przekonaj się jak szybko i sprawnie opanujesz materiał! Powodzenia!:) He's incredible Tutor!

5 października 2016

Mr Dutka is a special tutor. So far I’ve met lots of teachers and tutors but none can truly compare to him. Incredibly creative, always perfectly prepared, open for various new challenges and giving countless sources of motivation. It’s never boring during his classes because he embraces the variety of tools. He’s a tutor with an experience, using his unusual methods. It just feels like he really loves what he does and doesn’t hesitate to share his passion for English with his students. And it’s true that he’s a demanding tutor but… without a commitment we can’t touch the sky :)
My journey with English in Estudio started about 5-6 years ago. First, exams after middle school, then A-levels. Thanks to those classes my language abilities and passion for English began to rise up and up! And I managed to reach higher than I expected. I’ve fallen in love with other foreign languages, too.
I couldn’t recommend Estudio more because I find it truly inspiring!
Working with Mr Dutka is the way to success :)

5 października 2016

For me Mr. Rafał is not only a tutor but some kind of master. If you let him you'll start incredible journey with english but also you'll have an opportunity to recognition of yourself. He is a great benchmark for all of us who want's to learn cause he has got enormous background! The amount of its educational tools astonish and that the first sign of panic in difficult challenges that await in life makes us feel confident.
My adventure with eStudio started with the preparations for the Matura exams. Then we worked together on preparing me to go under the Erasmus program. Currently, I am broadening my knowledge in the field that interests me and which I intend to deal with in life. All my goals have been achieved mainly thanks to the work with Mr. Dutka and his giant commitment.
To sum up! If you want to learn, if you like English and still want more eStudio is for you! You will not be disappointed cause everything is always in place !

5 października 2016

Very dedicated to what he does, nothing can be done partly. He's really supportive tutoR who would be with you for every step of your career. Before moving on, he ensures that you have fully understood the basics. He guided me on what to expect in exams, how to answer questions and what examiners are looking for. Now, he's with me during my adventure with science and sometimes i can't believe that there's a person who knows as much as he. Always well-prepered, whether the topic is complicated or simple. Even if we do grammar, I'm never bored thanks to all of his tools. I would honestly recommend him, an absolute genius.
P.S Be prepared to work hard

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