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Opis ogłoszenia

Hi everyone,  I am Ilse Maré. I grew up in the beautiful and sunny South Africa. I have taught English as a foreign language, as a second language, business English as well as English to younger learners for the better half of 8 years.   I have helped students from a diverse background achieve their language goals.  I work with any age group, from young to mature.   I believe my expertise includes conversation, pronunciation, reading and most of all, grammar.   I enjoy conversation and focus on grammar.  I believe that conversation is the key to learning and improving your English level, as conversation focuses on listening, reacting pronunciation and with that grammar plays a big role.  Grammar can be easy, when explained properly, and I dare say fun.   I have a passion for helping people achieve their goals and in doing so, provide them with the necessary confidence they need.   My teaching philosophy is centered around student-centered learning, making lessons engaging, interactive, and fun. I believe in creating a supportive and inclusive environment where you feel comfortable taking risks and exploring the language.  I have a variety of topics to suite everyone’s needs and talk to you at your own level, whilst still challenging you to improve. In my sessions you will find that I make use of different methods, suiting your personal needs.    I do corrections through making notes and explaining the reason behind it.  I make use of reading material, as well as listening once in a while, because I feel that hearing and recognizing different accents can help you understand the language even better.   I also believe that we are all capable of much more than we think, let me help you achieve your English goals.   Thanks for watching! If you’re ready to embark on your English learning journey, I invite you to schedule a lesson with me. Let’s explore the world of English together!


Poniedziałek10:00 - 14:00
Wtorek10:00 - 14:00
Środa10:00 - 14:00
Czwartek10:00 - 14:00
Piątek10:00 - 14:00

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