Emilian Mucha

Ostatnia aktywność:
ponad miesiąc temu
Warszawa (Śródmieście +1)

Opis ogłoszenia

Czołem! I cześć! Cześć i czołem!

For the last couple of years I have been nothing but passionate about teaching Polish as a foreign language (on all levels of proficiency, starting from A and reaching up to C, desired so sincerely by oh so many).

Primary interests ? Art, art all things strawberry.
What I most often gravitate towards in my precious leisure time is writing poetry, listening to good ol’ soul music, watching Pedro Almodóvar movies religiously and collecting sweet, sweet Polish archaisms.

Pour toi, Dear Student, I might be a poet as well as an actor… A stand-up comedian or a geisha, perhaps.
What’s your pick , pray?

Is it grammar that you wish to study? Or communication, perhaps?
Feel like a natural or a conventional textbook method?
From genitive to participles, from "90 Day Fiancé" to Sylvia Plath – together we build an individual learning program for you!

LGBT+ friendly, by the way! We love everybody! 

Countries my former students are from:
France, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Romania, Hungary, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, India, Tibet, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, USA, Mexico, Haiti, Brazil, Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Zimbabwe.
And counting! ;)


PoniedziałekDo uzgodnienia
WtorekDo uzgodnienia
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NiedzielaDo uzgodnienia

Miejsce lekcji

U ucznia

Napisz do użytkownika

10.2019 - 07.2022
Uniwersytet Warszawski
afrykanistyka: hausanistyka
10.2022 - 07.2023
Uniwersytet Warszawski
glottodydaktyka polonistyczna - nauczanie języka polskiego jako obcego
Kursy i szkolenia
Certyfikat Biegłości Językowej
Biznes w Praktyce - Politechnika Łódzka
10.2019 - aktualnie
Uniwersytet Warszawski - Uniwersyteckie Centrum Wolontariatu (UCW)
Od roku 2019 poświęcam się uczeniu polszczyzny na poziomach A, B oraz C. W zależności od potrzeb uczestników proponuję szereg różnorakich metod dydaktycznych. Rokrocznie prowadzę także intensywne, praktyczne warsztaty typu survival Polish.
08.2023 - aktualnie
Uniwersytet Warszawski - Centrum Języka Polskiego i Kultury Polskiej dla Cudzoziemców Polonicum
Opracowywanie oraz realizacja autorskiego programu nauczania języka polskiego na poziomie A.
11.2023 - 12.2023
Uniwersytet Warszawski - Program "UW dla Ukrainy"
Opracowywanie oraz realizacja autorskiego programu nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego na poziomie A oraz B.

Ostatnie opinie

wystawiono opinii: 7
21 sierpnia 2023

I participated in Emilian's classes on Polish regularly in 2021. He is an amazing teacher! Emilian used different interactive techniques that made all the people in a group work together. I especially loved the atmosphere of friendliness and openness. What we discussed in our talk clubs, stayed in there! I appreciated it very much! Moreover, my language level much improved and I got A2 (in comparison to Novice in the beginning) when I was officially tested in Polish. Thank you, Emilian!

20 sierpnia 2023

Emilian is passionate about the Polish language and culture. His energy is infectious, and his patience during the classes makes you feel comfortable when struggling with (among others) pronunciation. He gives always real-life examples and sentences and is able to explain the rules and nuances. I recommend Emilian, who would like to learn Polish to gain access to the fantastic and rich Polish culture.

Jin Huang
16 sierpnia 2023

I am an international student of University of Warsaw. Within my study program we have a certain criterion for graduation which asks students to pass a second foreign language at B1 level. I chose Polish and approached Emilian. I strongly recommend those who would like to give learning Polish a shot and were still hesitating who might to follow attend Emilian’s class. His class is always fun and helpful. When I first reach Emilian for help, I couldn’t speak Polish in sentences and after oral training with Emilian, I successfully passed the oral exam of B1 Polish exam. The materials provided are really daily life connected. I even received the exact same questions on my B1 exam which I had already practiced during Emilian’s class. To sum up, if you are a beginner and would like to enhance your Polish skills, Emilian is a good choice. If you are a language-exam oriented student, you will definitely benefit from practicing with Emilian!

16 sierpnia 2023

Polecam jego lekcje. One byli ciekawe, dobre przygotowane i zrozumiane. Atmosfera było doskonalona, bardzo komfortowa i szczęśliwa. Przede wszystkim mi się podobał dobre humoru i słownik bardziej naturalnie.

9 sierpnia 2023

I've had the opportunity to attend Emilian's Polish language classes and I had an incredibly positive experience. He brought in much enthusiasm, patience and creativity which make learning a new language comfortable. The classes featured interesting activities that made the learning environment very engaging, friendly and interactive. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in learning Polish language

Dr. Kumar Pranaw
9 sierpnia 2023

Throughout the time that I have been his student, I have been continuously impressed by his profound knowledge and passion for the Polish language and culture. His enthusiasm in the classroom has been infectious, creating an engaging and stimulating learning environment. His ability to make complex grammar and linguistic concepts accessible to students of varying levels is truly remarkable, and it has significantly improved my language skills.
His teaching style is both patient and encouraging, instilling confidence in his students and fostering a positive attitude toward learning. His genuine interest in each student's progress and willingness to provide individual support whenever needed has undoubtedly contributed to my growth as a Polish language learner.
I must also commend his innovative approaches to teaching, such as integrating multimedia resources, interactive activities, and group discussions, which have made the learning process enjoyable and effective.
Beyond his proficiency as an instructor, his role as a mentor and friend has had a profound impact on me personally. His genuine care and understanding have made the learning journey all the more rewarding, and I have always felt comfortable seeking his guidance whenever I faced challenges.
I firmly believe that his exceptional teaching abilities and genuine passion for the Polish language make him a truly outstanding educator.

8 sierpnia 2023

I have taken numerous polish classes with Emilian and it was a fantastic experience. I was able to learn at a convenient pace, with practical examples and some homework. I encourage anyone interested in learning Polish to join the Polish class with Emilian.

Po dodaniu opinii nie będzie możliwa jej edycja, dlatego upewnij się, że wypełniłeś/aś prawidłowo wszystkie pola.

Wystawiając opinię oświadczasz, że działasz zgodnie z regulaminem, treść opinii jest zgodna z prawdą, a Ty ponosisz za nią pełną odpowiedzialność. Więcej informacji na ten temat znajdziesz w Polityce Prywatności.

Wystawiając opinię oświadczasz, że jej treść jest zgodna z prawdą, a Ty ponosisz za nią pełną odpowiedzialność. W bazie serwisu e-korepetycje.net będą przechowywane dane takie jak adres e-mail oraz adres IP, z którego wypełniono formularz opinii. Dane te umożliwiają identyfikację autora opinii i mogą zostać udostępnione na wniosek podmiotów uprawnionych do tego, w przypadku zgłoszenia przez użytkownika działań niezgodnych z polskim prawem, w szczególności dotyczących czynów nieuczciwej konkurencji.