Duane Corrigan

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Opis ogłoszenia

Hello there!My name is Duane.I am an ESL teacher from America.I came to Poland to study and while doing so I am taking students with different goals in mind.As a native speaker I can assure you accuracy in pronunciation and nuances missed by others.American English will be the main focus (some British English will be referenced as well).

I have been an ESL teacher since 2015. I started teaching in Vietnam before relocating to Poland.I have taught students from Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Poland, and Ukraine. 

I can offer support in the way of individually prepared lessons based on the goals and needs of each student.I am able to help with learning general English skills, conversational english, as well as helping students prepare for exams.

  • General English - I aim to teach with a balance of grammar, reading, speaking, and listening. However, focuses can be changed based on the request of the student. Classes are fun and can move at the learners pace. The goal is to get you speaking and able to learn even outside of the lessons. Homework can be provided.
  • Conversational English - You may have studied for some time already. You may not like studying grammar and would just like time to practice with a native speaker. The goal with conversational English is to get the learner comfortable and confident when speaking. Lessons are focused on different discussion topics, learning idioms and common phrases, avoiding long pauses and "umm", and improving fluency. Lessons can be flexible based on the students request. 
  • Test preparation- For those wanting to obtain ceriticates or preparing for matural exams.We can work together to get to a level able to go into the exam with confidence. 

The benefit of private classes is that lessons can be specifically altered to the needs of the students.At anytime homework and extra materials can be given.Certain elements can be reinforced, minimized, or completely avoided to assure comfort is achieved and goals met.  

I carry out lesson via Zoom and Google Meets. 

1 Demo lesson can be provided to those not sure about making an agreement at the cost of 45zl. 


Poniedziałek11:30 - 14:00
Wtorek09:00 - 16:00
Środa12:00 - 16:00
Czwartek13:00 - 16:00
Piątek11:30 - 16:30
Sobota14:00 - 20:00
NiedzielaDo uzgodnienia

Zakres lekcji

Szkoła podstawowa
Szkoła średnia

Miejsce lekcji


Napisz do użytkownika

Nie dodano
Kursy i szkolenia
TEFL Fullcircle
08.2015 - aktualnie
Taught while living in Vietnam 2015-2019 Now teaching based in Poland since 2019

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