Ostatnia aktywność:
ponad 3 miesiące temu
Język angielski100 - 120 / 60 min

Demi Baron

Opis ogłoszenia

Hello!My name is Demi and I am from London.I have been teaching private English lessons for roughly 5 years and have taught people from a few different countries between the ages of 12-45.

The most important thing for me is to create a relaxed, friendly environment.I am learning Polish and it can be very stressful to learn a new language so it is essential to enjoy yourself and understand that you are with someone who respects you and will talk to you like a friend whilst also giving you the support and discipline that you might need.

I offer 1 hour for free for the first lesson so that we can talk about your goals and current level of English.This will also give us a chance to become familiar with each other;I can get a good idea of ​​how I will be able to help you and you can decide if I am the person who you would like teaching you.We can make a plan based on what you want to focus on.

After that, I charge between 100-120 per hour, conversational English lessons for 60 and I offer lessons for 1 hour, 1.5 hours and 2 hours.I am flexible and available most days so we can discuss what works best for both of us and make a decision.In some cases, I can be available in the evenings but this will need to be decided before lessons start.There is no maximum amount of lessons that you can have with me in a week.

Learning another language can be very difficult and I have enormous respect for anyone who wishes to do this.If you are worried about sounding like an idiot or making mistakes, please be assured that I will do what I can to help you feel comfortable.

Take care and I hope to hear from you


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