Krzysztof Nesterowicz

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Opis ogłoszenia

Hello! Do you want to speak Polish? I am a PhD candidate from Krakow with a very good command of English, German and Italian, offering you Polish language lessons. I am an experienced teacher, providing relevant and user-friendly learning materials and resources. Relaxed and friendly lessons in a comfortable atmosphere. I can teach face-to-face or online.
Tel./Whatsapp: +36305779770

Hallo! Willst Du Polnisch sprechen? Ich bin Doktorand aus Krakau mit sehr guten Kenntnissen in Englisch, Deutsch und Italienisch und unterrichte Polnisch. Ich bin ein erfahrener Lehrer und biete nützliche und nutzerfreundliche Unterlagen und Materialien sowie eine entspannte und angenehme Lernatmosphäre. Ich kann Face-to-Face oder via Skype unterrichten.

Ciao! Vuoi parlare polacco? Sono un dottorando di Cracovia con un ottimo inglese, tedesco e italiano e offro lezioni private. Ho esperienza, uso risorse di qualità e user-friendly e garantisco lezioni in un contesto amichevole e rilassato. Posso insegnare di persona oppure on-line via Skype.

Хотели бы изучать польский язык с его носителем?
Приветствую всех, меня зовут Кшыштоф, я аспирант Ягеллонского университета в Кракове с хорошим уровнем знания английского, немецкого и итальянского языков, предлагаю вам помощь в изучении польского языка. Имею опыт преподавания, обеспечиваю собственными материалами для обучения. Занятия проходят в непринужденной и дружественной обстановке.
Занятия могу проводить один на один у меня дома в Кракове либо по Скайпу.

Hallo! Wil jij ook Pools leren spreken? Ik doe promotieonderzoek in Krakau, spreek zeer goed Engels, Duits en Italiaans, en geef lessen Pools bij mij thuis of via het internet. Ik ben een ervaren docent en bied relevante en interessante lesmaterialen aan. Mijn lessen vinden plaats in een ontspannen, vriendelijke en comfortabele sfeer.

Cześć! Chcesz mówić po polsku? Jestem doktorantem z Krakowa. Znam biegle język angielski, niemiecki i włoski. Oferuję lekcje języka polskiego. Mam doświadczenie, używam różnych materiałów dydaktycznych. Lekcje w przyjaznej atmosferze. Mogę uczyć na miejscu lub przez Skype.


Poniedziałek08:00 - 20:00
Wtorek08:00 - 20:00
Środa08:00 - 20:00
Czwartek08:00 - 20:00
Piątek08:00 - 20:00
Sobota08:00 - 20:00

Zakres lekcji

Szkoła podstawowa
Szkoła średnia

Miejsce lekcji


Napisz do użytkownika

10.2001 - 03.2008
Uniwersytet Jagielloński
03.2014 - aktualnie
Ludovika - University of Public Service
Kursy i szkolenia
Nie dodano
09.2016 - aktualnie
Ogólnokrajowa Polska Szkoła na Węgrzech
10.2016 - aktualnie
Szkoła Językowa Fagila Nyelvstúdió
10.2017 - aktualnie
Szkoła Benkő István Református Általános Iskola és Gimnázium w Budapeszcie

Ostatnie opinie

wystawiono opinii: 36
5 września 2023

Krzystof is not only a well-prepared and competent teacher, but also always patient, punctual and understanding. He will find ways to help you achieve your goals. What he promises, he delivers, and he always prepares for lessons. He is inspiring and always able to give you new motivation :)

26 czerwca 2023

Great teacher, highly recommended!

30 marca 2023

He is very good and teaches alot. He is a real teacher and is worth it

8 grudnia 2022

Krzysztof is a very dedicated teacher. He encourages me to learn more and practice. He is flexible with hours and has patience like an angel. I am Maltese and sometimes it is difficult for me to understand some of the words and grammar, but he always finds a way to explain the difficult things.

24 czerwca 2022

Mr Krzysztof is my favourite Polish Teacher :) He prepares his students for the State Exam -B1. Highly recommend teacher for both; teens and adults.

14 marca 2021

Krzystof is great teacher. His language teaching methot is brilliant. You are not gonna regret if you choose this teacher.

21 stycznia 2021

Very good teacher. His lessons are easy going and interesting. His various language skills allow him to understand how a foreign language mind thinks, and what is more important, he is able to effectively communicate this knowledge, making him very helpful to unravel the difficulties of Polish language.

13 listopada 2020

Krzystof is very good teacher for foreigners. He is very friendly and patient. He also provided with materials from different sources( books,internet,youtube etc)

20 września 2020

Język polski jest trudny, ale Krzystof jest bardzo dobrym nauczycielem. On zna zasady języka polskiego, i tłumacz ich bardzo dobrze. Duzo uczyłem się od niego.

18 marca 2020

Krzysztof is one of the best teachers I have ever met in my life! He not only speaks several languages, but also understands the best ways to learn them, which is extremely important. I absolutely recommend him to anyone wishing to improve their skills.

26 października 2019

Kryzsztof is an awesome Polish teacher. He is very polite and patience. He explains everything in good way and never tired of repeating things again and again till I understood. He is good at explaining Polish grammar and made the learning process smooth. I will recommend him.

6 czerwca 2019

Krzysztof he is the best teacher ever he is so flexible explains polish grammar, awesome,he is so friendly, patients

4 lutego 2019

Kryzstof is one of the best private teachers I met. Always well prepared, flexible and explains grammar understandable. I strongly recommend him if you want to start learning Polish, whether you want to take private or skype lessons.

1 listopada 2018

He is awesome , very soft spoken and has a very unique way of teaching. Each and every session is fun and quite useful learning. He is also very much flexible towards situation. I highly recommend him and wish him all the good luck.

19 października 2018

He’s the gest Polish Teacher you can ever have. He is very patient, also funny sometimes, and I really enjoy learning with him. My teachers in school also say how did you improve in Polish so quickly. I give all my credit to Pan Krzysztof. On jest najlepszym nauczycielem, jeśli chcesz uczyć się języka Polskiego. Jest bardzo cierpliwy, a czasem zabawny. I surely recommend him.

Elena Schweiz
5 października 2018

Ich kann Krzysztof nur wärmstens empfehlen.
Seine grosse Kompetenz, nicht nur in der Sprache, auch im Allgemein Wissen und seine Flexibilität, zeichnen ihn aus.
Er passt sich den Bedürfnissen des Schülers an, dadurch ist einen Erfolg garantiert.
Ich wünsche Krzysztof noch viele spannende in interessante Schüler und viel Erfolg.

29 sierpnia 2018

Krzysztof is very much professional toward his approach and always understands the psycho of his student(s) - then teach his / her student the way he / she understand more clearly - in my opinion that approach is very important.
Always flexible in timings - i definitely strongly recommend him. Thank you very much Krzysztof and keep it up : - )

9 czerwca 2018

Krzysztof is a very good teacher, patient and well prepared.The approach is pragmatic and the method effective. I tried several teacher, and so far he's one of the best I had.
Highly recommended!

5 czerwca 2018

Excellent! Due my work i don't have many free time to assist to language classes, so i'm having lessons with Krzystof through skype.
He explains everything very clearly, provides digital material for the lessons and at a very good price.
100% recommended.

Anthony Ash
26 marca 2018

Krzysztof is an excellent teacher. He clearly appreciates building a nice working rapport with his students and then using their interests and hobbies to build lessons around them. Thanks to Krzysztof, I can talk very fluently in Polish about the things I'm interested in.

He shows a genuine interest in me as a person and as a learner. He is encouraging and positive throughout. I finish each lesson with the feeling that I can speak Polish confidently.

Krzysztof uses a wide breadth of materials, which means topics can vary a lot. This is great as it provides exposure to a wide range topics and grammatical areas.

I highly recommend Krzysztof as a teacher. The progress I've made with him has been outstanding and it's all thanks to his method and approach to teaching.

Laura, Hungary
19 marca 2018

Being a student of Krzysztof Nesterowicz for more than a year, I am more than satisfied with his work and I confidently recommend him as a language teacher, particularly for the below reasons:

• professional linguistic background – Krzysztof’s vast professional knowledge enables him to make lessons effective and memorable by
- giving clear and precise instructions for the use of grammatical rules
- explaining the origin of the given word, (this way you will never forget them)
- providing cultural, historical and other information related to any topic
- in my case, beside teaching everyday Polish language, he also provides me real help with legal terminology and phrasing

• teaching methods – besides learning hard the right methods in studying a language are of major significance, and Krzysztof is great in this! He pays attention to improving both written and oral skills, official and everyday language, checks that former mistakes are corrected, induces progress by throwing in new challenges.

• Krzysztof’s lessons are never boring 

• pedagogical skills are beneficial even when teaching adults – beside being strict and requiring regular studying, Krzysztof never forgets to praise and encourage.

• Krzysztof is punctual, never cancels lessons, and is always prepared.

All in all, my knowledge of Polish has progressively improved thanks to Krzysztof’s teaching.

26 lutego 2018

I was recommended by a friend to use Krzysztof as an online tutor over Skype. My goal is to move to Poland and improve my Polish. I have found Krzysztof's classes to be very helpful and they have really stretched my abilities in listening and speaking. I'd highly recommend Krzysztof as a tutor especially if you are serious about learning the Polish language.

12 grudnia 2017

I have been having lessons with Krzysztof for around three months and within those three months I have learnt an endless amount more than I have learnt living in Poland for 2 years with lessons! The lessons are very well planned, picking up on mistakes, challenging when needed and explaining thoroughly when needed. He gives many tips along the way that will help you learn and never forget. I recommenced Krzysztof for all those wanting to learn Polish, very well worth it! Dziekuje bardzo Krzysztof

4 grudnia 2017

Uchim poliskii s Krzystofom s okteabrea proshlogo goda. Na segodneashnii deni on zhiviot v Budapeshte i kazhdii raz on prihodit k nam v ofis, tut mi i provodim nashi uroki. Vesiolii pareni, terpelivii i obiesneaet vneatno. Sovetuiu!

29 listopada 2017

Krzysztof has been teaching at our company for more than one year. He explains things in a clear and easy way. He speaks multiple languages so there is no way that we miss something. Very helpful and has a great motivation to educate others. I highly recommend him!

27 listopada 2017

Uwielbiam lekcje Krzysztofa.
Jest bardzo dobrym nauczycielem.Zawsze dobrze przygotowany i bardzo sumienny.
Dostaję o wiele więcej niż tylko lekcje języka oraz poznaję polską kulturę.
Jedna kropla Polski w Budapeszcie.
Polecam wszystkim!

Chris Burgess
27 listopada 2017

I have been having lessons with Krzysztof for nearly three years. He is a great teacher, because he mixes being a native speaker with an excellent knowledge of how to teach Polish as a foreign language (which is often difficult for native speakers). He has a very encouraging teaching style, has lots of experience and comes prepared to every lesson. His English is also excellent. Because I live in Birmingham (UK), we have regular lessons over Skype, meaning we can be very flexible about timing, have the lesson in the comfort of home, and lessons can be personalised to focus on what I need to focus on as a student. I would highly recommend Krzysztof - my polish is always improving thanks to him (having a teacher is a great motivator!). If you are looking for an excellent Polish teacher, there is no-one better.

7 czerwca 2014

I have only been learning from Krzysztof for a few months which is why I am writing in English and not Polish, but so far I am very happy with my lessons. He teaches at a good pace, is always quick to correct any mistakes I make and sets work with a perfect degree of difficulty for me. Krzysztof is also very knowledgable, often telling me extra information regarding what we are studying. And the price of the lessons is very reasonable too! Finally, as I live in the UK, we have our lessons over Skype, which works very well (when my internet connection isn't playing up!). Overall I am very happy, and long may my lessons continue!

25 stycznia 2014

I was looking for a Polish teacher who could learn me Polish from home on an individual level. After our first short meeting I immediately knew that he would be a good teacher and more important a teacher who could motivate me to learn the language. Even though it is via skype (which some people see as a disadvantage) he keeps me motivated and always see where I need help when I have difficulties. He has a good intuition and really knows how to teach the language. Also he is very organized. Therefore I really recommend him if you are looking for a Polish teacher.

2 grudnia 2013

Polnisch ist eine sehr schwierige Sprache und Krzysztof versucht alles mögliche mir diese Sprache beizubringen. Das macht er dabei sehr geschickt und gut! Erste Lernerfolge treten schnell ein und man bekommt eine größere Motivation die Sprache zu lernen.

1 listopada 2013

Ich stimme meinen englischen Vorrednern zu: ich wüßte nicht, wie man Polnisch besser unterrichten kann.
Einfach mal anrufen und besprechen - er spricht sehr gut deutsch. Macht Spaß - für Schmunzeln ist auf beiden Seiten gesorgt!
(Wir verwenden Sk.-Videochat mit Headset. Funktioniert bestens.)

19 maja 2013

Krzysiek is a very organized teacher and leads a very calm and easy going atmosphere during his lessons.

13 marca 2013

Krzysztof is a very good Polish tutor. He explains the technicalities of the language in a way thats easy to understand. If you need to learn Polish he is the best person to contact.

19 lutego 2013

Krzysztof is a very patient and good organized teacher. His methods - learning by speaking/practicing - are effective and sustainable. And the price is very reasonable. I can really recommend Krzysztof as polish teacher. He has always answers and good hints beside the textbooks.

4 lutego 2013

Regularly have Skype lessons with Krzyszyof, he is great and talented teacher who provide high effective lessons for more then reasonable price. If you are seeking Polish language tutor for adequate price your search ends here, you wouldn't find better.
Bardzo polecam, jestem zadowolony że znalazłam i mają lekcji z Krzysztofą!

12 stycznia 2013

Zajmuję się językiem polskim z Krzysztofem od pół roku. Jestem bardzo zadowolona z zajęć. Krzysztof jest odpowiedzialną osobą, zawsze odpowiada na wszystkie pytania (nawet w swoim wolnym czasie), zawsze zwraca uwagę na wymowę i na aktywne używanie języka już od pierwszych zajęć, przygotowuje się do zajęć oraz poświęca swój czas wolny i wysyła zadania pomagające w rozumieniu tematu na e-maila, zwraca dużą uwagę na mówienie.

Po dodaniu opinii nie będzie możliwa jej edycja, dlatego upewnij się, że wypełniłeś/aś prawidłowo wszystkie pola.

Wystawiając opinię oświadczasz, że działasz zgodnie z regulaminem, treść opinii jest zgodna z prawdą, a Ty ponosisz za nią pełną odpowiedzialność. Więcej informacji na ten temat znajdziesz w Polityce Prywatności.

Wystawiając opinię oświadczasz, że jej treść jest zgodna z prawdą, a Ty ponosisz za nią pełną odpowiedzialność. W bazie serwisu będą przechowywane dane takie jak adres e-mail oraz adres IP, z którego wypełniono formularz opinii. Dane te umożliwiają identyfikację autora opinii i mogą zostać udostępnione na wniosek podmiotów uprawnionych do tego, w przypadku zgłoszenia przez użytkownika działań niezgodnych z polskim prawem, w szczególności dotyczących czynów nieuczciwej konkurencji.