Christina Eshak

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Kraków (stare miasto)

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Unlock your true potential and Discover the hidden singer in you, with my vocal lessons!Led by me;a professional singer and Master’s degree holder in singing and acting, and a YouTube content’ll learn everything about the voice and how to fee it and free it, from the basics of singing to advanced techniques that will help you master any genre, whether it’s pop, classical, oriental, musical or opera.My comprehensive lessons cover all aspects of singing, including breathing, support, and body alignment, and language to help you build a strong foundation for a healthy voice that will last a lifetime.Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced singer looking to take your skills to the next level, I’ve got you covered!But that’s not all - our lessons also focus on helping you speak clearly for lectures and conferences, so you can captivate your audience with confidence and authority.Plus, you’ll learn how to use your voice effectively on stage, so you can own every performance and leave a lasting impression on your fans.No matter your experience level, our lessons are designed to help you improve your singing skills step by step , with easy-to-follow techniques and practical exercises.So if you’re ready to unleash your true vocal potential, sign up for singing lessons today with me and let’s make beautiful music together!
Unlock your true potential and discover the hidden singer within you with my singing lessons!The lessons are conducted by me - a professional singer, master of singing and acting, and content creator on YouTube.With me you will learn everything about your voice and how to charge and free it.I teach both the basics of singing and advanced techniques that will help you master any musical genre, whether it is pop, classical, oriental or opera.My comprehensive lessons cover all aspects of singing, including breathing, proper support and positioning of the body and tongue, to help you build a solid foundation for a healthy voice that will last a lifetime.Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced singer looking to take your skills to the next level, I’ve got you covered! That’s not all - our lessons also focus on helping you speak clearly at lectures and conferences, so you can captivate your audience self-confidence and authority.In addition, you will learn how to use your voice effectively on stage, so you will have control over every performance and make an unforgettable impression on your audience.No matter your experience level, our lessons are designed to help you improve your singing skills step by step, with easy-to-follow techniques and hands-on exercises.If you are ready to unleash your true vocal potential, sign up for singing lessons with me today and let’s create beautiful music together. 


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01.2013 - 06.2017
Akademia Muzyczna im. Krzysztofa Pendereckiego w Krakowie
Wydział Wokalno-Aktorski
Kursy i szkolenia
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