Fundacja New Day Europe

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I invite you to take advantage of conversations with a native speaker. I am a master of English Philology, a Doctor of Theology and a Doctor of Philosophy The lessons are only in English because I do not speak Polish.I have many years of experience in teaching children and youth in schools, corporate Executives as well as adults.I teach at every level.I adapt the subject to the student’s needs.When teaching adults, I also prepare for a job interview.I have a lot of knowledge about business .I also conduct classes for seafarers.I am characterized by an extremely friendly approach to the student, optimism, patience and cheerful character.
To me, teaching is an art. Teaching and learning are facets of a creative and artistic performance.I believe that teaching is trust and responsibility on my shoulders, as ESL teacher my task is to empower my students to have the necessary skills and knowledge of English Language so that they can communicate, interact, share, make informed decisions and take the necessary action in real life situations.I teach because I want to promote analytical and critical thinking so that learners will acquire meaningful knowledge of English language, not merely remembering facts.I teach because I want students to learn new skills and obtain new knowledge in a comfortable classroom environment where they can express themselves without fear.I teach because I want students to be imbued with the love of learning, to be trained to be active,constructive and goal oriented learner.I teach because I want students to be treated as individuals and to be given due respect and also learn to respect the views of their peers.I teach because each student is a unique learner who deserves my love, attention, and respect.I teach because I want other instructors to be inspired by my passion to adopt a constructivist approach to learning so that their classroom too will be an active, fun-filled, and creative environment where every student has a chance to excel in his or her own unique way.I teach because I love to see students attain their dreams and goals in life.Lastly, I teach because it makes me fulfilled in life to see others succeed.I teach because each student is a unique learner who deserves my love, attention, and respect .I teach because I want other instructors to be inspired by my passion to adopt a constructivist approach to learning so that their classroom too will be an active, fun-filled, and creative environment where every student has a chance to excel in his or her own unique way.I teach because I love to see students attain their dreams and goals in life.Lastly, I teach because it makes me fulfilled in life to see others succeed.I teach because each student is a unique learner who deserves my love, attention, and respect .I teach because I want other instructors to be inspired by my passion to adopt a constructivist approach to learning so that their classroom too will be an active, fun-filled, and creative environment where every student has a chance to excel in his or her own unique way.I teach because I love to see students attain their dreams and goals in life.Lastly, I teach because it makes me fulfilled in life to see others succeed.and creative environment where every student has a chance to excel in his or her own unique way .I teach because I love to see students attain their dreams and goals in life.Lastly, I teach because it makes me fulfilled in life to see others succeed.and creative environment where every student has a chance to excel in his or her own unique way .I teach because I love to see students attain their dreams and goals in life.Lastly, I teach because it makes me fulfilled in life to see others succeed.I teach because I love to see students attain their dreams and goals in life.Lastly, I teach because it makes me fulfilled in life to see others succeed.and creative environment where every student has a chance to excel in his or her own unique way .I teach because I love to see students attain their dreams and goals in life.Lastly, I teach because it makes me fulfilled in life to see others succeed.I teach because I love to see students attain their dreams and goals in life.Lastly, I teach because it makes me fulfilled in life to see others succeed.and creative environment where every student has a chance to excel in his or her own unique way .I teach because I love to see students attain their dreams and goals in life.Lastly, I teach because it makes me fulfilled in life to see others succeed.


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Fundacja New Day Europe
Kwiatowa 2
83-110 Tczew
NIP: 5882472783

Napisz do użytkownika

10.2005 - 02.2007
Brinson Institute of Kingdom Leadership & Development Chicago, Illinois. USA
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education
03.2007 - 10.2010
Brinson Institute of Kingdom Leadership & Development Chicago, Illinois. USA
Master of Arts in Christian Education
10.2010 - 04.2012
Doctor of Theology
10.2012 - 08.2014
Brinson Institute of Kingdom Leadership & Development Chicago, Illinois. USA
Doctor of Education (Christian Education Leadership) - 2014
10.2019 - 08.2020
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Nauczyciel dyplomowany
150 Hour Professional TESOL Certificate
Kursy i szkolenia
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Wystawiając opinię oświadczasz, że jej treść jest zgodna z prawdą, a Ty ponosisz za nią pełną odpowiedzialność. W bazie serwisu będą przechowywane dane takie jak adres e-mail oraz adres IP, z którego wypełniono formularz opinii. Dane te umożliwiają identyfikację autora opinii i mogą zostać udostępnione na wniosek podmiotów uprawnionych do tego, w przypadku zgłoszenia przez użytkownika działań niezgodnych z polskim prawem, w szczególności dotyczących czynów nieuczciwej konkurencji.