Ostatnia aktywność:
ponad 3 miesiące temu
Warszawa (Ursynów)
Język angielski80 - 90 / 60 min


Opis ogłoszenia

I hold a Master’s degree in Creative Writing at University of Glasgow (UK) and a bachelor’s degree at Lancaster University (UK) with a year abroad at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), passed with First Honors (the highest academic distinction awarded at British universities). Over the years I’ve been preparing students for matura, 8th-grade exam, IELTS and more. I’ve also conducted a screenwriting workshop class at the university and edited countless English essays of other students. 

Living abroad gave me a fist-hand experience of using English naturally and fluently, while my Creative Writing studies showed me to the intricacies of the language. In my free time I write fiction novels in English, wanting to one day become a professional writer.

I always strive to make teaching interesting. I adapt learning materials to the interests of my students to combine work with fun. I inquire about the students’ interests, find the materials they deem interesting. I came to notice that many students value this more personal connection. I’m a good conversationalist, patient and committed to making the conversation flow. 

If you’re looking for lessons which are as successful as they are enjoyable, hit me up :)


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Zakres lekcji

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Miejsce lekcji

U nauczyciela
U ucznia

Napisz do użytkownika

09.2016 - 07.2019
Lancaster University
Creative Writing
09.2020 - 08.2021
Glasgow University
Creative Writing
Kursy i szkolenia
TEFL (Teach English as Foreign Language
08.2020 - aktualnie
English teacher/editor
Over the years I've been preparing students for matura, 8th-grade exam, IELTS and more.

Ostatnie opinie

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