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Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia online
Język angielski94 - 100 / 60 min


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Opis ogłoszenia

Hi! My name is Anouk and I am a certified English teacher who loves to create a fun learning experience for all. I enjoy teaching and helping my students learn English while using fun activities. I am a Native English speaker with a neutral accent. I believe that being able to communicate with other people is an essential skill that opens up many new doors and teaches you a lot about other cultures.

How can I help you learn English? First of all, I believe in preparing my student for the real world. We can focus on  pronunciation and formalization of the sentences, fixing up the grammar as well as increasing the vocabulary! I always try to have a structured class, but my teaching methodology is rather informal- I prefer to use real-word examples. I have a lot of experience working with students who are at the beginner and intermediate levels!

My personal life is also very interesting so I bet we can find some topics to talk about: I have lived in 8 different countries (The Netherlands, Indonesia, Switzerland, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Spain, and France). I also used to work as a customer service representative, waitress, lifeguard, babysitter, and volunteer. Thanks to all of my work experience I had an opportunity to meet many interesting and inspiring people. I have also traveled to more than 45 countries in the world.

When it comes to my qualifications for teaching English I obtained 120- hour TEFL Certificate in 2021 and I am a native speaker.

If my offer sounds perfect for you- let’s meet during a free, trial lesson. Don’t be afraid to message me to schedule it- I am more than happy to help you start your language learning experience.

See you soon,



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