Anna Chamberlin

Ostatnia aktywność:
ponad 3 miesiące temu
Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia online

Opis ogłoszenia

I am a certified English native speaker from America with over 6 years of education experience. I have a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Certificate from the University of Arizona, a certificate for teaching Business English, and experience teaching English classes in Gdańsk and online,with over 1000 hours of experience working with individuals and groups. 

What you can expect :

  • I will create personalised lessons  for you based on your interests and needs. I use a mix of personally prepared materials, real-world content (popular songs, interesting articles, videos), and other resources. I want you to improve quickly and enjoy the process!
  • If you want to develop better Business English for your career, we will focus on the skills most important for your profession. From sending emails, giving presentations, or meeting with clients, I can help you gain confidence in your communication .
  • Lots of conversation. The way to improve your speaking ability is to…speak! My goal is to help you to be more confident so that you can communicate without fear . We will discuss interesting topics so you can focus on the conversation and stop worrying and hesitating.
  • If you would like, I will give you personalised homework including: watching an interesting video or speech, pronunciation practice, reading interesting articles, writing about yourself, reviewing vocabulary, and other things! 

Where : Online, with the option of moving to in-person meetings as soon as it is safe

Price : 110zł/ 55 min.

More about me:
My bachelors degree is in Cultural Anthropology; I have worked in a technology start-up; and I have many other passions and interests in my life including cooking, psychology, art and design, music, reading, and listening to podcasts. I am sure we will have many interesting topics to talk about! I am excited to meet you!


Poniedziałek08:00 - 16:00
Wtorek12:00 - 14:00
Środa12:00 - 20:00
Czwartek08:00 - 14:00
Piątek08:00 - 16:00

Miejsce lekcji


Napisz do użytkownika

08.2015 - 05.2019
Grinnell College
Kursy i szkolenia
TEFL Certificate from the University of Arizona
Nie dodano

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