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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a skilled and enthusiastic teacher and classroom trainer with 10 years of experience developing lesson plans and curriculum for students of all ages.

Classroom management, personalized learning programs, and innovative educational techniques are just a few of my areas of expertise. By teaching students in a wide range of ages and situations, I have honed my communication skills, creating a sense of excitement about gaining knowledge. My inherent passion for fostering collaborative and engaging educational environments has successfully encouraged and developed productive, thoughtful, and accomplished students.

Highlights of my qualifications include:

• Developing targeted curriculum, planning instructional / training programs, and educating students of diverse ages and backgrounds in subjects such as credibility analysis, 1-1 interviewing, geography, career development, reading and writing, and language skills.

• Communicating effectively and compassionately with students from all corners of the globe facing cultural, language, and general assimilation challenges.

• Incorporating individual schools’ philosophies and academic objectives into lessons while ensuring allowance for creativity and flexibility.

• Earning recognition from students, parents, and senior management as a disciplined and insightful educator/trainer who cultivates meaningful connections with learners, and their families/employers (in teaching and as a departmental trainer) to ensure optimal learning experiences. I create an atmosphere in which students feel they can evolve and where they feel at ease whatever their aptitude.

With my experience and credentials, I am well prepared to dedicate myself to the highest standards of ESL learning.

Thank you for your consideration

Antonio Earl

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Napisz do użytkownika

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General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE)
10.1999 - 06.2024
Anglia Ruskin University
BA (Hons) Geography
08.2017 - 08.2017
The TEFL Org
Nauczyciel dyplomowany
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
Kursy i szkolenia
Trainee Teacher (Post Graduate Certificate in Education at Open University)
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL_
09.2011 - 05.2014
United Kingdom Border Force London Heathrow Airport
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05.2018 - 07.2022
Preparing and delivering lessons to improve students' reading, writing, and conversing skills. Tailoring teaching style in accordance with students' needs. Tracking and reporting on students' progress.
09.2019 - aktualnie
Kateit Szkoła Języków Obcych
Preparing and delivering lessons to improve students' reading, writing, and conversing skills. Tailoring teaching style in accordance with students' needs. Tracking and reporting on students' progress.
09.2019 - 03.2023
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09.2019 - 07.2022
Szkoła Języków Obcych Logan
Preparing and delivering lessons to improve students' reading, writing, and conversing skills. Tailoring teaching style in accordance with students' needs. Tracking and reporting on students' progress.
09.2019 - 08.2021
Preparing and delivering lessons to improve students' reading, writing, and conversing skills. Tailoring teaching style in accordance with students' needs. Tracking and reporting on students' progress.
10.2021 - aktualnie
The Tower
Preparing and delivering lessons to improve students' reading, writing, and conversing skills. Tailoring teaching style in accordance with students' needs. Tracking and reporting on students' progress.

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