Opis ogłoszenia
If you feel lost in polish variety of language rules and vocabulary, then it’s time that you should hear apologize. Forgive us, polish creatures for making such an inconvenient language for you to learn. It’s not that we don’t want you to learn it, no, not like that!
We really do love and appreciate when someone takes some effort to try..
And you know what?
A bit of enthusiasm + engagement equals optimal development.
We can do this!
I have patience and some experience in teaching polish already.
I wouldn’t say that with polish things go 100% smoothly, but let’s make it fun and improve your speaking as much as we can ! There’s nothing more charming for me than foreigner speaking understandable polish.
About me, music traveller from the depth of heart, using english on regular basis, hobbys like to go in pair so I write lirycs too. I have experience in teaching, children from 10 years old.
We can arrange the lessons in my place, in a coffeshop or online.
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Profesjonalizm idzie w parze z serdecznością czego skutkiem są dobre postępy w nauce.